FF6 Boss Strategies
Whelk Hp :
1600 Weaknesses : Fire Vanish/Doom : No
Have Terra attack with TekMissile, while Vicks and Wedge use Fire Beam, be sure not to
attack while he's hiding, or taste the the MegaVolt, which will kill members low on hp.
Simply avoid the entire mess by waiting until it comes back, and using Heal Beam if you
need to.
Marshal Hp : 420
Weaknesses : Poison, Fire Vanish/Doom : No
Have Mog and his team attack, Mog should use the Dusk Requiem dance and it'll be over
pretty fast.
Magitek Armor Hp : 210
Weaknesses : Thunder, Water Vanish/Doom : No
Have Edgar use the Autocrossbow twice to beat them, have Terra use magic on them to see a little scene. :-)
Vargas Hp : 11 600
Weaknesses : Poison Vanish/Doom : No
Start attacking Vargas with Edgar's Autocrossbow, Locke's attack and Terra should cast Fire or Cure on all members. You must kill the bears before you can get to Vargas. After a while, Sabin appears, have him use the Blitz Pummel (left,right,left,A).
Ultros Hp : 3000
Weaknesses : Thunder, Fire Vanish/Doom : No
Have Edgar use the Autocrossbow, Sabin use Aurabolt (down,down,left,A), Terra should
cast Fire and Banon use his Health skill at all times. During the battle, if someone dies
( other than Banon ), give the wounded member a Fenix Down and heal them with a
Tunnel Armr Hp :
1300 Weaknesses : Water, Thunder Vanish/Doom : No
Simply have Locke attack while Celes uses her Runic skill every turn, have Locke use Potion if either of them are low on hp.
Ghost Train Hp :
1900 Weaknesses : Fire, Thunder, Pearl Vanish/Doom : No
Have Sabin use AuraBolt, Cyan use SwdTech1 and Shadow throws Shurikens. Or you can use a Fenix Down to kill it instantly.
Kefka ( 1st meeting ) Hp :
3000 Weaknesses : None Vanish/Doom : No
I reccomend Terra, Edgar, Sabin and Cyan. Have Terra attack or use Cure, Edgar should
use the Autocrossbow, Sabin use AuraBolt and Cyan use SwdTech 1 or 4. Beware of Ice2
and Drain, they are his most powerful attacks, so keep your hp up at all times.
Dadaluma Hp : 3270
Weaknesses : Poison Vanish/Doom : No
The best group is Edgar, Sabin, Locke and Celes. Have Edgar use the Drill, Sabin use
Suplex (X,Y,down,up,A), Locke attack and Celes attack or use Cure. During the battle,
Dadaluma will use about 4 or 5 potions and then cast Safe on himself. This is the critical
part of the battle, you got to take him out quickly or he will throw a few dirks in
succession, killing a few members. If Sabin or Edgar get killed, revive them quickly so
you can manage to beat Dadaluma. If he summons friends, ignore them if you can.
Ultros ( 2nd meeting ) Hp :
2550 Weaknesses : Fire, Thunder Vanish/Doom : No
This battle is easy if you have Bolt2, use it along with Edgar's Drill and
Sabin's AuraBolt, it'll take just a minute.... and that's all folks . ^_^
Ifrit & Shiva
Hp : 3300 for Ifrit and 3000 for Shiva Weaknesses : Ice for Ifrit and Fire for
Shiva Vanish/Doom : No
Use Edgar's Drill, Sabin's Pummel, Locke attack and Celes use Runic while fighting
Ifrit. Cure if you need to. When fighting Shiva, have all the others except Sabin do the
same thing, Sabin should do the Fire Dance (left,left,down,down,right,A). Cure if you need
Number 024 Hp :
4777 Weaknesses : Varies Vanish/Doom : No
Start by having Edgar use the Drill, Sabin use Aurabolt, Locke attack and Celes attack
or using Cure if needed. When 024 uses WallChange, do the same things, except that Sabin
will have to use Pummel. In the begining, he is hurt by Thunder, so use Bolt2.
Number 128
Hp : 3276 Weaknesses : Fire, Thunder Vanish/Doom : No
You only need to kill the center, not the arms. Go ahead and use spells such as Fire2
and Bolt2. If you need to heal, use Cure2. Edgar's Drill and Sabin's Fire Dance also help.
Locke should attack or cure.
Left Crane Hp : 1800 Weaknesses : Water Vanish/Doom : No
Right Crane : Hp : 2300 Weaknesses : Water, Thunder Vanish/Doom : No
Attack the left crane first, use Edgar's Drill, Sabin's Aurabolt, Locke can attack or
use magic ( not Bolt magics though ) while Setzer attacks or use Slot. Once the left crane
dies, the right crane will likely use it's TekBarrier, which casts Reflect. Stop all magic
attacks at this point and use your best non-magic attacks. Cure is needed.
Ninja Hp : 1650
Weaknesses : Thunder, Pearl Vanish/Doom : No
This should be easy, if Mog is in your team, have him use the Dusk Requiem Dance, while
everyone else use their best attacks. Cure if you feel the need.
FlameEater Hp :
8400 Weaknesses : Ice Vanish/Doom : No
It will help if at least two members have learned Ice2, use it on him in early rounds.
If FlameEater summons Bombs, have Strago use the Aqua Rake Lore. When FlameEater gets
weak, he'll cast Safe, then Reflect, so magic is a big no-no ^_^ . Instead have Strago use
Aqua Rake ( It passes through Reflect ) while the others attack or cure.
Ultros ( 3rd meeting )
Hp : 22 000 Weaknesses : Fire, Thunder Vanish/Doom : Yes
It's a good idea to equip someone with Carbunkle in this battle, you can use any Level
2 elementals to attack. After a while, he'll get angry, now will be the time to use
Carbunkle, since any magic attack that hits him, he will counter with the Level 3
elemental, but if you Reflect on everyone, his spells will bounce back to him. By then he
should fall quickly. For healing, equip Strago the Heal Rod before going to battle.
After a while, Relm will show up, have her Sketch Ultros, if it fails, try again until it
succeeds, once it does, you've won the fight.
Ultros & Chupon
Ultros Hp : 17 000 Weaknesses : Fire, Thunder Vanish/Doom : Yes
Chupon Hp : 10 000 Weaknesses : Ice, Water Vanish/Doom : Yes
There's no other way to put this, this battle's a J-O-K-E ! Take out Ultros first
with Fire2 and Bolt2, cure if you need to. When Ultros ( finally ) bites the dust, start
casting Ice2 on Chupon. Once he's over, he'll Sneeze the party down.
Air Force Hp : 8000
Weaknesses : Thunder, Water vanish/Doom : No
He's no problem if you have Mog and Strago in your team. Mog should use the Wind Song
Dance while Strago uses Aqua Rake or Bolt2. The other member should cast Bolt2. ( If
he/she learned it ) If the other member dosen't have Bolt2, have him/her use his/her best
attack. You probably won't need to cure since Mog's Dance has a healing effect and he does
it often.
Gigantos Hp : 6000
Weaknesses : Poison Vanish/Doom : Yes
I reccomend using the Phantom esper ASAP. This will ensure you victory as long you don't cast any magics or yourself. Also, Mog should not dance here, have him attack instead. As long as you are in transparent state, Gigantos cannot harm you at all. Use attacks and Bio.
For AtmaWeapon, check the Final Boss section.
Nerapa Hp : 2800
Weaknesses : Ice, Thunder, Pearl Vanish/Doom : No
Since he has a Reflect spell on, don't use magics or weapons that cast spells ( Flame
Sabre, Blizzard, etc.. ). Instead use your best special attacks, if Strago is in
your team, he will learn Condemned. Now hurry up if you wish to escape, and wait twice so
Shadow will be with you later.
Phunbaba Hp : 28
000 Weaknesses : Poison Vanish/Doom : Yes
Have Celes use Runic to protect from Bolt2 and Bolt3, Sabin should use the Suplex. Make sure both have their hp up at all times, since Phunbaba's Blowfish does 1000 damage to a member. If someone dies, quickly revive him/her with a Life spell or Fenix Down, followed by an X-Potion or Cure2. When Phunbaba gets weak, he'll run away.
Top Left Hp : 4000 Weaknesses : None
Bottom Left Hp : 6000 Weaknesses : Fire
Top Right Hp : 5000 Weaknesses : None
Bottom Right Hp : 7000 Weaknesses : Ice, Water
Vanish/Doom : No
It would be a good idea to give Sabin and Celes a relic that protects them from poison
attacks before getting into this fight. Start by attacking the bottom right tentacle with
Ice2 ( if you have it ) or physical attacks with Celes, Edgar use the Drill and Sabin use
Aurabolt. Once the bottom left tentacle dies, it's safe for Sabin to use Fire Dance. Make
sure to heal Edgar is he gets poisoned and keep him healthy at all times. If the others
get weak, don't hesitate to cure. The other tentacles will fall rather quickly with
Fire spells and Edgar's Drill.
Presenter Hp :
9845 Weaknesses : Fire Vanish/Doom : Yes (On the shell only)
It's a good idea to cast Float at the start of the battle, you'll be protected from
it's Magnitude 8. Use Fire2 and best attacks, you fight him like you fought the
Whelk, when he's in the shell, don't bother attacking and cure if needed, once it comes
out of it's shell, let him have it.
Dullahan Hp : 23
450 Weaknesses : Fire Vanish/Doom : Yes
Have Celes use Runic to absorb its Pearl, Ice3 and Ice2 spells, Edgar should use the
Drill, Sabin use Suplex while Setzer uses Slot or heals the party. If you need to cure,
make sure Celes has already absorbed a spell or it will fail. You can use the Ifrit esper
if you have it equipped.
Storm Dragon Hp : 42
000 Weaknesses : Thunder Vanish/Doom : Yes
He is the toughest of the 8 dragons, he's very challenging to defeat at this time. It's
better to return later once you get Bolt3 and Cure3, plus strong attacks like Sabin's Bum
Rush and Strago's Grand Train. The way to fight him is to use your best Bolt spells and
attacks, while curing heavily, since his wind attacks are very harsh on the party.
AlloVer Hp :
8000 Weaknesses : Fire, Pearl Vanish/Doom : Yes (X-Zone only)
Use your best Fire spells and other attacks such as Sabin's Bum Rush (left,left,up,up,right,right,down,down,left,A). He will most likely cast Doom, so revive the fallen ally and finish the battle as soon as possible.
SrBehemoth Hp : 19 000 for both Weaknesses : Fire and Poison for 1st and Fire
and Pearl for 2nd.
Vanish/Doom : Yes ( Doom for the first and X-Zone only for the 2nd )
Use your best spells and attacks on the first, cure if needed. For the second
one, use either a Life spell, Fenix Down or Revivify on it since it's undead.
Chardanook Hp : 56 000 for the woman, 30 000 for the demon.
Weaknesses : Fire for the woman, Fire and Pearl for the demon.
Vanish/Doom : Yes ( X-Zone for the woman, Doom for the demon )
Time your attacks and spells so they hit when the demon is present. Cure if
needed. Wake sleeping members as soon as possible. To save you trouble and time, don't
hesitate to use Vanish/Doom on the demon.
Phunbaba ( 2nd encounter
) Hp : 26 000 Weaknesses : Poison
Vanish/Doom : Yes
Use your best attacks and spells, he should use BabaBreath, which removes two members, rather quickly. Cure if needed.
Phunbaba ( Last
encounter ) Hp : 26 000 Weaknesses : Poison
Vanish/Doom : Yes
Now that Terra is with you, have her use Bio, it will do 4000 + damage to him, the
others can use their best attacks, no need to cure since he's suprisingly weak this time.
In time, you'll finally defeat him.
Doom Gaze Hp : 55
555 Weaknesses : Fire, Pearl
Vanish/Doom : Yes ( Don't use X-Zone or you won't get Bahamut )
Before taking the skies, make sure none of your members are at a level multiple of
five. Also buy about 10 Pearl Rods. When you bump into him, if your levels aren't multiple
of 5, his Level 5 Doom will fail. Now, start using the Pearl rods as Items, it should do
9999 damage to Doom Gaze, if not the damage will be high anyway, if he manages to kill a
member, DON'T revive him/her, instead keep on using Pearl rods, if you are lucky, you'll
kill him before he gets a chance to escape. If he escapes, you have a very good chance of
killing him in the next encounter. It's pointless to cure, since that will cost you
precious rounds to kill him on 1st encounter. It's possible, I've always fought him like
this and he NEVER got the chance to escape.
Red Dragon Hp : 30 000
Weaknesses : Ice, Water Vanish/Doom : Yes
Use any Ice spells you've got plus Strago's Aqua Rake or CleanSweep Lore, cure if you
need to and there should not be any problems.
Ice Dragon Hp : 24
400 Weaknesses : Fire Vanish/Doom : Yes
Use your best Fire spells plus attacks like Sabin's Bum Rush, if he freezes a member,
use a low level Fire spell to unthaw them. Cure if needed.
Tritoch Hp : 30
000 Weaknesses : Fire Vanish/Doom : Yes
You can use Fire spells and attacks like Sabin's Bum Rush, the worst you'll get is an
Ice3 attack from Tritoch, so you can equip the Ice shield for getting healed by it or the
Flame shield to get no damage at all, cure if you need to.
Umaro Hp : 17 200
Weaknesses : Fire, Poison Vanish/Doom : Yes
Fire and Bio spells work well, same with Sabin's Bum Rush, cure if you need to.
White Dragon Hp : 18
000 Weaknesses : None Vanish/Doom : No
Be careful here, he can cast Pearl up to 3 times in a row, so stay cured at all times,
use Flare and Ultima to attack it.
MagiMaster Hp : 50
000 Weaknesses : Varies Vanish/Doom : No
The first thing to do is to cast Beserk on him, then you MUST have Life3, cast it at
least on one member, then use Scan to see his weakness, if he has one, hit it with the
respective spells, if he dosen't show any weaknesses, use Flare and Ultima. It's also a
good idea to use the Phantom esper so he won't be able to hit you at all. Before he dies,
he'll cast Ultima, so no need to worry if you got Life3. If you don't have Life3, you'd
better have a lot of hp's or you're toast !
( Picture not available ) The Three Stooges
Left/Larry Hp : 10 000 Weaknesses : Fire
Vanish/Doom : Yes
Top/Curly Hp : 15 000 Weaknesses : Ice, Water Vanish/Doom :
Right/Moe Hp : 12 000 Weaknesses : None Vanish/Doom : Yes
Use Ultima, Flare, Bum Rush and Strago's Grand Train to attack, try to get Curly out
first, since he can cast Life2, once he bites the dust, the remaining two should pose no
problem. It would help to have everyone equipped with relics that protect against petrify.
Cure if needed.
Wrexsoul Hp : 23
066 Weaknesses : Ice Vanish/Doom : No
You can beat him in two ways, the first is to cast X-Zone, if succesful, both
SoulSavers and Wrexsoul will be gone, winning you the battle. The other way is to attack
an kill a member to make Wrexsoul show himself, once he does, ignore the SoulSavers and
use Ice3, Ultima, Flare, Bum Rush, Grand Train, etc... Also once he shows himself, bring
back you fallen friend with Life2. If Wrexsoul dissapears again, repeat the process, only
kill a diffrent member this time.
Master Pug Hp : 22
000 Weaknesses : Varies Vanish/Doom : Yes
Use spells like Ultima, Flare, lores such as Grand Train, attacks like the Bum Rush,
here Strago can learn Step Mine if he hasn't already, but beware because Step Mine is very
powerful, so be sure to cure afterwards.
KatanaSoul Hp : 37
620 Weaknesses : Poison Vanish/Doom : Yes
Use Bio, Flare and Ultima, Bum Rush and any other strong attacks, he will use Gp Toss,
he can throw weapons, these usually kill the victim, so cast Life2 and Cure3 if needed.
Blue Dragon Hp : 26
900 Weaknesses : Thunder Vanish/Doom : Yes
Simply use Bolt3 for attacking, cure after he uses CleanSweep ( Strago can learn this
Hidon Hp : 25 000
Weaknesses : Fire, Pearl, Earth Vanish/Doom : Yes (X-Zone only )
Before going into this fight, equip relics that protect against poison, it'll help
alot. Use Ultima or Quake( cast Float before doing this ) to kill the Hidonites,
once they're gone Hidon will cast Grand Train ( You'll want Strago to learn this one, it's
the second most powerful magic attack after Ultima ), be sure to cure after as it does
alot of damage. Once the Grand Train has been cast, quickly finish off Hidon using
your best spells or use a Life spell, a Fenix Down or a Revivify to kill him.
Dirt Dragon Hp : 28
500 Weaknesses : Ice, Wind Vanish/Doom : Yes
Use your strongest spells, also Strago's Lore Aero is effective here, as is
Sabin's Bum Rush. If you equipped everyone with Gaia Gear before the fight, you
probably won't need to cure. If he kills a member however, do bring them back to
Note : All of the bosses from the Storm Dragon to the Dirt Dragon can be defeated in any order you wish. The only exception are the Three Stooges and Wrexsoul, which are both in Cyan's Dream.
The bosses of Kefka's Tower
Atma Hp : 55 000
Weaknesses : None Vanish/Doom : Yes
Use spells like Ultima, Flare, Meteor, Grand Train plus attacks, like Bum Rush. He will
use Fire3, Ice3, Bolt3, Quake, Meteor and Ultima. He can also use Cleansweep. When you get
the message " an unknown light surrounds Atma.. " he'll cast Ultima in a few
moments. You can cast Life3, or you can try to kill him before he gets the chance to cast
it. It will do about 3000-4000 damage to everyone in your party, so watch out. Stay
healed and you might get away without facing Ultima.
Gold Dragon
Hp : 32 400 Weaknesses : Water Vanish/Doom : Yes
Use spells like Ultima, Flare and Meteor, Strago's Cleansweep Lore and Shadow's Water
Edges are very effective here. Be sure to stay healed since he can use Giga Volt and
Bolt3, which are devastating to your party.
Inferno Hp : 30
800 Weaknesses : Thunder Vanish/Doom : No
Use Bolt3 and Ultima, cure often and you should defeat it pretty quickly. Ignore the
arms completely. Concentrate on Inferno alone. You might want to equip relics that protect
against petrify in this battle.
Skull Dragon Hp
: 32 800 Weaknesses : Fire, Pearl Vanish/Doom : Yes
About three rounds of Fire3 and/or Pearl spells and he'll kick the bucket. Don't bother
healing since all he does is cast Condemned once in a while.
Doom Hp : 63 000
Weaknesses : Pearl Vanish/Doom : Yes
I reccomend Strago here since his Lores passes through Reflect status and he'll
learn Force Field. Start off by casting Pearl and Ultima spells, after a while he'll use
Force Field, which make him invulnerable to a random element plus giving him the
Reflect status. At that point, use Ultima and Grand Train for attacks. If he freezes
a member, unthaw them using Fire. And cure often since his physical attacks are deadly.
Goddess Hp : 44 000
Weaknesses : None Vanish/Doom : Yes
Use your most powerful spells such as Flare, Ultima and Grand Train, be sure to kill
her quickly if she uses the Overcast spell, it cast Condemed on everyone and after the
counter goes to 0, you become a zombie. If everyone becomes zombies, it's game over.
You can learn Quasar if you're in luck, so be sure to have Strago with you.
Guardian Hp : 60
000 Weaknesses : Thunder Vanish/Doom : No
Use your most powerful attacks and spells, cure often since he hits pretty hard. He can
use the attack pattern of Ultros, Dadaluma, Air Force and Atma. Beware of the Dadaluma
attacks, if he throws a dirk, it does 6000 + damage to a member.
Poltergeist Hp : 58
000 Weaknesses : Poison Vanish/Doom : No
It helps to equip your members with Flame shields and Ice shields in this battle, he
will use Fire3 and S.Cross often. Beware of his Stop/Blaster combo, it's deadly. Use Bio
to poison him early on and then use Ultima, Flare, Grand Train, etc... Cure if
If you want to know how to beat Kefka, see the Final boss section.
Or you return to the boss