a chest* Here they are.
up the Shining Blade* Sweet.
*Picks up
his Beam Sabre* Awsome.
up his shoe bomb and sniffs at it* Ah, the smell of victory.
I think
that smell is athelete's foot.
what do atheletes like? Victory.
I guess
so. Lets go.
*back at Sandor*
through the center of the Kaiser*
now to find Sadoul. Vay Armor, don't fail me now.
*back at the evil men*
Your Kaiser
failed, Sadole.
Sadoul! Sa-duel. Sadoul.
You know
what? Zip it.
Megablast on Dr. Evil*
*is nearly
electricuted to death* ...right...
Any more
I am fresh
At least I
still have the Shard.
shard. What power is that shard?
The power of
the Last Orakian.
I command
you to give me that shard.
No. Get your
own. There are 7 others in this universe.
in* Not so fast!
slowly* Give...me...the...shard!
Why not
stop completely?
So, you
are the last Orakian? What power did you posses?
to make your Armor look like a birthday suit.
I see.
*casts Megablast on Orakio*
*is shot
back to the wall* Damn. Where is the rest of my group?
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