How long
has it been Laya since we last saw each other?
It has been
quite a while. About 6 months.
Did you
ever find out anything on Mt. Katahdin?
Nothing yet.
But I am getting closer to the secret.
Have any
idea what it could be?
The only
clue I have to what it is was found in a book in the Library my
father closed. I snuck in and found it.
What did
it say?
It was in an
ancient writing. Nobody could read it.
And that
is a clue?
The book's title is "Secret of Katahdin"
I am off
for a while. Why don't we go and find it together.
*back in reality*
I know that
you went to Katahdin recently, but did you ever find the secret
of Katahdin?
We got
What kind of
book did Laya have?
I don't
know, I never got to look at it... *sigh* and probably never
Why not
I must say
that this really bothers me to continue.
Continue or
I get a Shoe Bomb.
You can't
threaten me!
*hits Orak
on the side of the head with a Psycho Wand* Now tell me!
Oh all
Click here to continue.