towards the fallen Rulakir* Rulakir, are you alright?
done it. *cough*
Done what?
You spoke
Big deal.
Why did you help me?
I must
tell you something.
All this
time, I have been manipulated by SYCO.
The true
leader of SYCO knew that Control was going after an Orakian, so
SYCO wanted to do the same thing.
So you
SYCO did
this to me. Mr. Shorty is nothing but a Pawn of the true SYCO
Mr. Tall?
I think
that is what they call him.
So you
wanted to get revenge on them as well.
Mr. Tall
has been using Telepathy. He can read minds and even inforce
dreams unto people.
Then that
explains it.
Shorty is holding a hostage in this lair. The hostage knows who
Mr. Tall is and where to find him, and even how to kill him.
*gets up*
lay down. You need the rest.
My time
is up. *walks towards the pit* I trust that you will defeat Mr.
Tall and restore peace to this world.
let me give you 1/2 of the power, we can fight this together.
Only the
Orakian Bomb can defeat SYCO. Only when the two powers have
merged can the true Orakian power be revealed.
Take the
shard and go. You are indeed the chosen one to rid evil of this
Goodbye, my brother. *jumps into the pit*
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