flaring energy* Now, what were you saying Vegeta?
to build up energy in his hands* You have grown in power. But
you're still no match for me.
building up a megid ball in one hand behind his back, grinning*
What makes you say that?
of this. *pulls hands forward* FINAL FLASH!!! *shoots a huge
blast of ki energy at Orakio*
arm forward* Megid! *shoots an even larger blast of Megid at
*the Megid spell goes right through the Final Flash, both dissolving, but the megid still having enough strength to hit Vegeta.*
*is hit
by the Megid* Gah! *goes to the ground* What... happened?
slowly towards Vegeta* And that's just one hand, and a simple
spell. Imagine what I'm fully capable of.
You're starting to sound like me now. Alright Orakian, I'll give
this round to you... but, I'm not finished with you yet.
fists* Where is Rulakir?
Baxter Forest. *powers down*
powers down, then flies off*
A 3rd
level Orakian?
He's got a
lot of power, father.
*curiously* So he does.
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