Yes X?
Exactly how
much action have we gotten lately as Control Agents?
How would I
know? I don't even know why we're still here.
I guess we're
the only agents that can be fixed.
Well I'm
not, and I still don't have any work.
I almost forgot
about you.
Oh trust
me, everybody forgot about us.
So exactly
why are we still here?
Definately not
for errands.
Crys and
Crystal are used for that.
Notice that
Orak's paid less attention to us since Chrissy came in?
Everybody paid
less attention once she came in. Haven't you seen her?
calls* Hubba hubba.
Whata bouta
me, Mario?
*looks at
Mario* Right.
My wife
gets more attention than I do, and half of it is from the Chief.
Is there any
reason why we are really staying here?
Well... the
pay is good.
What is our pay?
in* *looks at X and Zero* An obsolete Android I sense.
memory serves me, Chief Al stopped paying you when he got back.
Why though?
We were all so loyal to him.
non-profit now. The Agents we have are all we can get, and they
work for little or nothing.
Well... who
of us is on the payroll?
in memory banks... searching... searching... 1 item found. Would
you like to hear?
Chief Al, Orakio, Chrissy, Zak, Wren, Crys, Crystal, Raja, Selan,
Sparkster, Orakia, Zelda.
That wench
Zelda still works here?
Easy boy.
is being stratched off the payroll in a week though. The rest of
you... well, you can all beat it. *leaves*
Does thisa
mean we're outa worka?
YES! *growls*
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