*the long battle over NEU is over...*
Chief Al...
*the sufferings of the world were great...*
The people
are wondering where they will be sleeping.
their rooms of course.
*thinks* He really has no brain.
*and though there were losses in the world...*
over Orakia's and Rulakia's graves* Sleep in peace my sisters.
Everything will be fine.
a hand on Rulakir's shoulder* You've given up a lot here.
but... I've gained something in return. *grins at Jema*
*grins back*
*the circle of life always goes in full swing*
*wakes up*
Jessica, the baby wants you.
up* Why is it every time the baby wants something it wants me?
Because you
feed him.
*human and non-human alike...*
in wheelchair* Tell me straight, is there a chance I can walk
I'm afraid
your spine is beyond repair.
*walks in*
Sparkster... there is some hope for you.
*felt the presence and disappearance of the evil.*
*looks from
atop Baya Malay Tower* Thine world had no idea how close it came
to destruction. But... perhaps the people indeed kneweth of thine
*Now the people again know of peace as they try to rebuild what was lost.*
on the sand at Old Orchard Beach* I told you the sunrise was
beautiful here.
on Orakio's lap* You were right. It is beautiful.
with Chrissy* Not as beautiful as what is on my lap?
with him* The fire ants or me?
Fire ants?
as she cuddles* I'm just kidding love.
and laughs* I love you Chrissy.
I love you too Orakio.
and kisses Chrissy*
and kisses Orakio* Thank you for everything.
*but... the shadow of darkness always seems to dwell wherever there is light...*
the lighthouse* Ah... rest easily Dragon-girl. This isn't over
yet. Hahahahahahaha!
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