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Leech Hunter


Entry Car

Head to the only open door in the car.

Zombie Car

Head forward for a scene…which results in an ambush by zombies. Deal with them or run to the next car.

Edward’s Car

Head to the end of the car and examine the corpse for a scene and a key. Afterwards, head back to the middle area of this car for another scene and some ammo. You’ll be ambushed by Cerberus so be wary. Once that is over and done with duck into the second door from the one you first entered this car.

Train Save Room

This is the first save room of the game. You’ll notice there isn’t an item box. That would be because there are none in Zero. Anyways, there’s some ammo and Ink Ribbons to grab. Save if you wish then leave.

Edward’s Car

Duck into the room next to the save room.

Goodie Room

Grab the F. Aid Spray and ammo. Leave the room.

Edward’s Car

Head to the Entry Car.

Entry Car

There’s zombies in more cars now so be careful. Unlock the door with the key you got and continue.

Kitchen Car

Head up the stairs.

Dining Car

Walk forward for a cut scene and the first boss.

Boss Fight #1: Leech Zombie

The Leech Zombie is an enemy that will be encountered a few times throughout the game later on. So DEFINITELY do not fight them like this later on. Your only means of defense is your Handgun so fire away. It may take up to a full clip of ammo or more to beat this boss. Beware of the Leech Zombie’s ability to stretch its body parts.

After the fight Billy will join you and give you some ammo. From now on you have to share your ammo and items so ensure you manage your space wisely. Anyways, head to the window at the back of the train. Climb on up.

Train Roof

Move to the end of the roof and you’ll see two flashing wires. Pick a character to reconnect them ‘cause that player’ll be lost for a while. I suggest you use Rebecca to connect them as you’ll be fighting another boss and Billy’s a damned tank. Anyways, examine and connect the wires. The character used will fall through the roof and into the Second Floor Kitchen.

Second Floor Kitchen

Grab the ammo and the shiney for the Conductor’s Key. There’s a service lift in here so send it down. Switch to the other player.

Train Roof

Head back down to the Kitchen Car.

Kitchen Car

The locked door will now be open so head through. Nearby is a small hall, go down it and check the service lift for the Conductor’s Key. Head to Edward’s Car

Edward’s Car

Head to the first door past Edward’s corpse and unlock it.

Conductor’s Office

Check the closet for a Briefcase and flip the red light to reveal a ladder. Head on up.

Bar Car

Head down the car to the door at the other end.

Leech Egg Hall

Check the shiney on the nearby cart for an Ice Pick. Now enter the door down the hall.

Decrepit Bedroom

Pick up the Hunting Gun, S. Gun Shells and Ink Ribbons. If you’ve completed the game the closet in here is where you use the Closet Key. Return to the Bar Car.

Bar Car

Take a few steps forward for another boss fight.

Boss Fight #2: King Scorpion

Equip the Hunting Gun. This monster pisses me off to the fullest extent of my rage. Only because the damned thing is a waste of good ammo. Anyways, beware the tail and claws. Every once in a while it will charge forward with claws extended to attack you. Just run back to avoid. When Scorpy has his claws away from his face, aim and fire off a shot with your Hunting Gun. It should die after a fair amount of shots to the face and let you leave.

Grab the Panel Opener then return to the Kitchen Car.

Kitchen Car

Send the Ice Pick up through the service elevator then switch to the other character.

Second Floor Kitchen

Use the Ice Pick on the door and then regroup with your partner.

Kitchen Car

Use the Panel Opener on the nearby trap door and head on through.

Cargo Car

Grab the shiney for a Gold Ring. Combine it with the Briefcase then continue to the next car.

Back of the Train

Ok, press start to separate the characters. Position one in front of the Hookshot clamped onto the wall and the other in front of the panel on the railing. Examine the panel and flip the switch then change to the other character and grab the Hookshot. It takes up two spaces so be sure you have the space. Now return to the Zombie Car.

Zombie Car

Near the door is a window with a broken ladder. Use the Hookshot to reach the roof.

Train Roof

On this section of the roof run to the nearby hole. Drop through and you’ll be in another bedroom.

Decrepit Bedroom 2

Grab the ammo and the Ring Box. Examine the Ring Box and open it for the Silver Ring that goes with the Briefcase. If you don’t have it reunite with your partner and combine it with the case for a Blue Keycard. Now return to Edward’s Car.

Edward’s Car

Use they Keycard on the locked door at the end of the hall and go on through.

Outer Car

Head down the path and through the door at the end.

Engine Car

Leave a character behind and grab the Magnetic Card and the ammo. Head to the Back of the Train.

Back of the Train

Use the Magnetic Card on the console next to the door. Solve the simple number puzzle then switch to whoever was left behind.

Engine Car

The puzzle is the same as the last one but without the ability to check your total. The best way to figure it out is to try it once then enter the menu because time stops there. Once you’ve figured it out you’re done with the train.

Part 2

Train Wreckage

If you missed anything on the train it’ll be here. Once you’re done here head through the door.


Head through the sewers to the ladder and climb it.

Main Hall

Welcome to the Main Hall of the Training Facility. Drop the Hookshot here then leave this area through the door to the right of the stairs.

Dining Room

Kill the zombies and search the room for some ammo. Take note of the Fire Door and then go through the open door to the next area.

Boiler Hallway

The path at the bottom of the stairs is blocked but it’ll be extremely important later so take note of it. Head through the other door.

Storage Room

Grab the shiney for the Black Statue and then grab the Shotgun nearby. It takes up two spaces so be wary. Head up the ladder.

Outer Path

Kill the zombies and make your way along the path. Take note of the herbs here, you may need them. Unlock the door at the end of the path to make it so you can enter it from the inside.

Class Room

For lack of a better term this is a class room. It has desks and all so it probably was a class room. Anywho, head through the double doors in the middle of the far wall to return to the Main Hall.

Main Hall

You’re in the upper area of the Main Hall near a statue. Drop the Black Statue and the Hunting Gun is disposable now since you’ve got the Shotgun. Return to the Class Room.

Class Room

There’s a save point in here if you need it. Now head through the only open door on the left wall.

Library Hall

Head into the first set of doors.


There is the Microfilm A on a table nearby and some Ink Ribbons near the tables across from the door. Return to the Main Hall.

Main Hall

Drop the Microfilm and head to the only open door on the upper area of the Main Hall.

Creepy Room

In the cabinet near the windows is a Crank Handle. Have Billy grab it then return to the Library.


Load up Rebecca on ammo and head to the side of the room you haven’t checked yet. There’s a lift surrounded by railing there and a nearby crank to work it. Position Rebecca on the lift and separate. Have Billy use the Crank Handle on the crank and Rebecca will move on up to the next area.


There’s some Crawlers in here so be careful. Grab the ammo and take note of the large, gears near where you entered. Head to the next area.

Roof Area

Head on to the next area.

Third Floor Pools

You’ll come out in a big ass room with empty pools in it. Head down a flight of stairs and through the door at the end of the hall to come out in the upper area of the Main Hall.

Main Hall

Collect Billy and return to the Third Floor Pools.

Third Floor Pools

Before heading up the stairs duck into the door nearby.

Water Room

Grab the Grenade Launcher and Napalm rounds but ignore everything else for now. Return to the Third Floor Pools.

Third Floor Pools

Head up the stairs. Near the stairs are four cranks along the wall. One of the lifts a cage inside one of the empty pools. Billy is the only one strong enough to use the crank so load him up with the Shotgun and Grenade Launcher then send Rebecca down into the pool then switch to Billy and have him turn the crank. Switch back to Rebecca and grab the shiney, which is the Fire Key. Time for a boss.

Boss Fight #3: Demon Centipede

With Rebecca out of commission it’s up to Billy. Tear into the Centipede with the Grenade Launcher until you run out of rounds. Switch to the Shotgun and start firing. It should die rather quickly leaving you relatively unscathed since it spends most of it’s time circling you and not actually attacking.

Once Captain Legs is dead head back to the Water Room.

Water Room

Grab the Shotgun Shells and the White Statue. Head to the Main Hall.

Main Hall

Drop the White Statue near the statue then head down the stairs and into the Dining Room.

Dining Room

Unlock the Fire Door.


Check the shiney for Lighter Fluid, grab it with Billy and combine it with his Lighter to make it usable. Head to the Library Hall.

Library Hall

Past the doors to the Library is Fire Door, unlock it and head on through.

Decrepit Study

Head around the desks to a pushable table. Move it so it is below the nearby deer trophy then flip the nearby switch to reveal a shiney in the trophy. Climb up on the table and take the shiney for the Iron Needle. Now head to the Attic, head via the Third Floor Pools so you have both characters.


Use the Iron Needle on the clock above the gears and then set the clock the 8:15. It’s in roman numerals so that’s VIII for the hours and III for the minutes. This will unlock a door in the Main Hall and the Western Wing. Head to the Main Hall.

Main Hall

Go through the door that was unlocked.

Fireplace Study

In this room are some S. Gun Shells and the Microfilm B. Grab it and return to the Main Hall.

Main Hall

Retrieve Microfilm A and head to the door on the left side of the stairs.

Western Hall

Ignore the first door you pass as it will lead you to some ammo but also a Leech Zombie. Head into the door at the end of the hall.

Projector Room

Grab the ammo and put the Microfilms into the projector to get an important file and an MO Disc. Now head to the Class Room.

Class Room

Use the MO Disc on the podium in front of all the desks. Now use the file to discern which desks you have to check. Position Billy in front of one, and Rebecca in front of the other and flip them. All the doors blocked by swords are now open. Enter the one in this room.

Chess Hall

Head into the first door you pass.

Chess Room

In this room is a giant chess board but we’ll cover that puzzle in a moment. Grab the Napalm Rounds and ammo then check the chess board on the table. You have to match the giant chess board with the one on the table. After that is done the smaller board will move aside and reveal the Book of Evil. Grab it then examine it to reveal the Black Wing. Head back to the previous hall.

Chess Hall

Head through the door at the end of the hall.

Medical Room

There’s a Blue Herb in here and a tank of Green Chemicals. Get the Chemicals and put it in Rebecca’s mixing kit. Now head back to the Main Hall.

Main Hall

Pick up the Black Statue and combine it with the Black Wing. Now place it on the statue and return to the Library.


The locked door in here has a candle next to it. Light it with Billy’s Lighter and head on through the door that is now unlocked.

Small Library

Head up onto the second level and have Billy push the protruding book case aside to reveal the Book of Good. Examine it to open it and find the Angel Wings. Return to the Main Hall.

Main Hall

Grab the White Statue and combine it with the Angel Wings. Now place it on the statue to open a secret passage. Head on down!

Tarantula Passage

Beware the COPIOUS amounts of Tarantulas in here. I fucking hate them and their poisonous ways…especially on STUPID Leech Hunter. ORI SMASH PUNY GIANT SPIDERS! Anywho, kill them and continue down the path, pass the locked door and into the door at the end of the hall.

Basement Save Room

I suggest you save. Now continue on to the next room.

Pillar Room

There’s a vent on the wall, examine it and send Rebecca through.

Torture Room

Check the panel with the red light. To solve the puzzle that comes up flip the first two switches up, the third one down and the last two up. The IMPORTANT thing you’ll notice is that the steam blocking your path in the Boiler Hall is GONE. Take note of that it is EXTREMELY important in the next three minutes of play. The second thing you should notice is that Rebecca falls through a hole and it’s your job to save her. Eliminators now roam the halls so be very, very careful. Head to the Boiler Hall at max fucking speed.

Boiler Hall

Head down the stairs, pass the boiler and through the door.

Ring Hall

Run through this hall, kill the Eliminators and head past the animal statue ring. Head past the next door you see and then down a dead end to a door. Enter it.

Pit Room

You’ll save Rebecca in this room. Grab the Ink Ribbons and most definitely save. Head back to the Ring Hall.

Ring Hall

Grab the pidly little five bullets in the ammo box and then head to the ring. This ring involves Billy’s Lighter and the order you light the animal torches in. The order is this: Stag (deer), Wolf, Horse, Cougar, Snake and Eagle. A gate will open so head on through. Enter the first door.

Decrepit Bedroom

Grab the Unity Tablet and take off.

Ring Hall

Head to the door near the Pit Room, ignoring the second door in the hall revealed by the ring puzzle.

Basement Tunnel

Head down the stairs and beware the damned Tarantulas. Enter the first door you come across.

Pipe Room

Grab the Locker Key.

Basement Tunnel

Head to the next door.

Weapon Room

Head up the stairs. Unlock the locker and grab the Duralumin Case. Examine it and enter the code “385” which can also be found on the sides of the case via examination. You’ll get the Handgun Parts, combine it with whatever character’s Handgun you want to upgrade. I suggest Rebecca’s since she’s weaker and the character you SHOULD be controlling most of the time. Anywho, load the Shotgun or Grenade Launcher and position one of the characters, I suggest Rebecca, in front of the console in front of the broken window. Send the other down the stairs and through the door. Switch to the other character and have them operate the gates until you reach a console with a red lighted switch. Flip it and two Hunters will attack. Waste them and grab the Shiney and Acid Rounds. The Shiney is the Water Key, you’re done here so return to your partner. Grab the ammo, S. Gun Shells and Magnum ammo. Head to the Water Room and ensure the Grenade Launcher has Napalm Rounds loaded in it or you have Molotov Cocktai ls.

Water Room

Unlock the Water Door.

Bar Hall

You’ll face a Leech Zombie in here so be careful. Enter the first door you reach.

Computer Room

You’ll face another Leech Zombie in here. Once its dead head past the shelf and check the shiney for a Vise Handle. Return to the Bar Hall.

Bar Hall

Enter the second door.


Have Billy play the piano. A passage will open, separate and send Rebecca through. Grab the Magnum ammo and the Battery at the end of the hall. The door will close and lock. Switch to Billy and play the piano again to release Rebecca. Head back to the Bar Hall.

Bar Hall

Head to the next hall.

Shaggy Hall

Head to the door on the right.

Vise Room

Kill the zombies and collect the S. Gun Shells. Nearby are some vises, use the handle on the one holding the tablet to get the Obedience Tablet. Head back to the Main Hall.

Main Hall

Dump all your excess crap for the moment, such as the Magnum ammo. And then head out the front doors.


Use the battery on the socket to the right past the lift. Activate the lift then push it in front of the left column. Send someone up to grab the Discipline Tablet. Head back to the Main Hall.

Main Hall

Grab the Hookshot and any thing you want to take with you and head to the Third Floor Pools.

Third Floor Pools

Head through the Knight Doors.


Grab the ammo then head down the ladder. Use the tablets on the telescope to finish Disc 1 and Part two.

End of Disc 1

Part Three


Leave the room through the doors.

Path to the Church

Head down the path and you’ll reach a fork in the road. Head down the right path and into a small building. One of the corner tiles makes a clicking sound when stood upon. So leave a character on it, you’re about to fight a boss so it should be Rebecca, and load the other with the Grenade Launcher and send them into the now unlocked church.

Decrepit Church

Head into the door to reach a save room.

Church Save Room

Grab the Napalm Rounds then return to the previous room.

Decrepit Church

Walking towards the door will initiate a boss fight.

Boss Fight #4: Giant Vampire Bat

The secret to killing this turd is to lure it in close and blast it with a round from the Grenade Launcher when it tries to attack. After a hit or two, smaller bats will enter the fight to block your shots. Just continue waiting for the big bat to attack and firing at it when it does. It’ll fall after around five rounds.

After the bat is dead and gone use the Hookshot in front of the door to reach the roof.

Church Roof

Run to the ladder and head down.

Elevator Area

Flip the switch nearby and then open the gate. Collect your partner then head down the elevator.

Lab Hall

Head into the door down the hall.

Decrepit Library

There’s a save point and a service lift in here. Position Rebecca near them and leave her behind. Head to the dead end and use the Hookshot on the wreckage to get to the second floor.

Leech Laboratory

Dump the Hookshot for now and grab the Gas Can. Head to the door and you’ll see a Leech Zombie. Don’t fight it and head to the next area.

Upper Lab Hall

Head down the hall and through the door next to the locked one.

Lab Save Room

In this room are some Empty Bottles, Ink Ribbons and a save point. Grab the Bottles and combine ‘em with the Gas for a Molotov cocktail. Return to the Leech Laboratory.

Leech Laboratory

Molotov the Leech Zombie to death and then check the device he was guarding. Flip the switch to reveal a Leech Capsule. Head back to the Upper Lab Hall.

Upper Lab Hall

Flip the switch next to the door and then head through the door at the end of the hall.

Upper Lab

Kill the zombie in here; grab the VERY important file and S. Gun Shells. Continue through the double doors to the next room.

Service Room

Kill the zombies and examine the service lift near the door. Send the Leech Capsule down to Rebecca. Switch to her.

Decrepit Library

Grab the Leech Capsule and head out into the hall.

Lab Hall

Kill the Leech Zombie released when Billy flipped the switch in the Upper Lab Hall then head down the path that was hiding the zombie. Grab the Red Chemical and mix it with the Green Chemical in Rebecca’s mixing set to form the Stripping Agent. Use it on the Leech Capsule to get the Blue Leech Charm. Use it on the nearby blue door.

Marcus’ Office

Check the shiney on the bookshelf for the Input Reg. Coil then check the desk for ammo. Continue to next door.

Statue Room

Check the statue for the Green Leech Charm. Return to the Decrepit Library and send it up to Billy.

Service Room

Grab the Green Leech Charm and use it on the door in here.


Grab the ammo and the canister of Sterilizing Agent. Head back to the Upper Lab.

Upper Lab

Use the Sterilizing Agent on the console. Enter the now cleaned out capsule and grab the Breeding Room Key. Return to the Upper Lab Hall.

Upper Lab Hall

Unlock the locked door.

Breeding Room

Kill the Hunters and then grab the shiney for Dial. Return to the Service Room.

Service Room

Send the Dial to Rebecca.

Decrepit Library

Grab the Dial and head out to the hall.

Lab Hall

Use the Dial on the gray door and then enter “4863” as the combination.

Cable Car Station

Flip the lever on the wall then switch to Billy.

Service Room

Pick up the Hookshot then head to the Save Room.

Lab Save Room

Head on down the ladder revealed when Rebecca flipped the switch.

Cable Car Station

Grab the Output Reg. Coil and then run to the corner of the room where you see a hole you can use the Hookshot on. Use it and head on up.

Lab Save Room

Use the coils on the computer, grab the S. Gun Shells then head back to the Cable Car Station.

Cable Car Station

Before doing anything, give Rebecca the Shotgun, all of its ammo, all of Billy’s handgun ammo and give Billy the Grenade Launcher ‘cause it’ll be likely low on ammo. Also grab Rebecca some Molotov Cocktails. Head to the cable car for a scene. Billy is out of the party for a while and Rebecca’ll have to face a Leech Zombie. Do so, then go replace the coils in the console and enter the cable car.

Cable Car

If there’s anything in the facility you don’t want to leave behind, SUCH AS MAGNUM AMMO, go get it now. Now, check the corpse for the Magnum and flip the switch nearby to start the cable car. End of part three.

Part Four

Cable Car

Exit the Cable Car.

Cable Car Dock

Take note of the two Herbs as you’ll most likely need them soon. Head up the small set of stairs and ignore the locked door, continue down the path and up the flight of stairs and through the door.

Turntable Room

If any of you makes a DJ joke I’ll fucking flip out and sic my undead ninja army on your asses…well maybe not. But you get the picture. Head into the door on the wall opposite the door you entered through.

Save Room

Ensure you have at least one space in your inventory. Grab the Ink Ribbon, ammo and then leave the room.

Turntable Room

Head towards the screen and step onto the lift. Ride it down to the walkway below and then walk along it to a door.

Monitor Room

Head into the room and at the end grab the shiney for the Factory Key. Head to leave and you’ll be ambushed by a pair of Hunters. Take them out, do NOT waste Magnum shots, and head back to the Save Room.

Save Room

Use the key on the console in the corner across from the cabinet near the door and the turnable will be lowered into place outside. Grab all the crap you want to take to a rather tough boss fight and head on out.

Turntable Room

Activate the Turntable.

Elevator Area

Head towards the rubble and drop an item. Now head in the opposite direction for a scene and the Elevator Key. Head back towards the rubble and use said key on the Elevator. It’s time for a boss fight.

Boss Fight #5: The Incomplete Tyrant

Incomplete or not this bastard packs one HELL of a punch. To drive home the point that this is an incomplete Tyrant the beast is programmed with some pretty lame strategy. Basically the Tyrant will wander around in a circle, the only reason this is dangerous is due to the enclosed area. I suggest using the Shotgun or Magnum to take this half finished monstrosity down. It has two basic attacks, one is a swing with its claw when you’re within range and the second is a lunge. To avoid the lunge run at the side where there is no claw and it’ll miss. Just keep moving and firing and it’ll fall down and the elevator will arrive.


Head to the second floor.

Elevator Hall

Grab the Magnum ammo near the door and the ammo on a barrel. Beware the Hunter in this room and continue down the hall until you see a door. Go through it.

Cable Car Dock

Grab the Green Herbs and heal. Head back to the Elevator.


Head on down to the fourth floor.

Dam Entry Hall

After the scene head through the door.

Dam Power Room

Walk past the Gasoline tank and the lift into a small room. Grab the ammo and check the red lights. Press the light beneath the top left one, the one above the bottom left one and the one above the second right one in. That’ll power up the dam and activate the lift so head on down.

Lower Power Room

Kill the zombies and drop some stuff so you can fit the Gasoline in the previous room and the Empty Bottles in this room. Head to the next room.

Leech Zombie Hall

A Leech Zombie attacks. Kill it and then recollect your items. Head down this hall to the door at the end of the hall.

Billiards Room

Kill the zombie and head down the stairs.

Forklift Room

Take note of the forklift for later. Head through the door.

Crate Puzzle Room

Grab the S. Gun Shells and head through the door.

Leech Stairway

Head down the stairs SMOOSHING PUNY LEECHES!!!! Along the way. Enter the door to reunite with Billy. Now return to the Crate Puzzle Room.

Crate Puzzle Room

Position Rebecca on the controls and send Billy down the ladder. First move the gate to you can push the crate closest to the ladder into position next to the crate on the opposite wall. Next return the gate into normal position and push the steel crate up out of the way. Now push the last normal crate to where the first crate was. Activate the gate and then push it in front of the first crate you pushed. Hope over the crate so you can push it then push it up against the opposite wall, move the gate again and then push it into the slot next to the middle crate. Head back up and have Rebecca fill the pit. Cross the crates and grab the Handle. Return to the Leech Zombie Hall.

Leech Zombie Hall

Use the Handle on the locked door to open it.

Boiler Hall

Handle the nekkid zombies in here and then go up the ladder nearby.

Boiler Walkway

Wander this area until you find a tank of Red Chemical. Take it and leave.

Boiler Hall

Head through the door to the next area.

Wet Hall

Head to the next area.

Decrepit Save Room

This room has all the fixins. Napalm Rounds, ammo, herbs and a F. Aid Spray. Save and then head to the next area.

Mech. Room

Head down the stairs to the next area.

Dam Walkway

Beware the Lurkers which may show up if you’re slow. Continue to the next area.

Gondola Station

Head down the lift.

Tyrant Hall

Head down the hall and the Incomplete Tyrant will attack you again.

Boss #6: Incomplete Tyrant Rematch

He’s easy this time. Just arm the Grenade Launcher and Shotgun. Tear loose and the bastard’ll drop in less than a minute.

After he’s dead continue past the door to a green light. Examine it to reveal a ladder. Head on up.

Power Hall

Head through this area until you encounter a sparking fuse box and a Motherboard on the floor. Grab the Motherboard and return to the Gondola Station.

Gondola Station

Opposite the lift is a console, insert the Motherboard and send Rebecca on the gondola that arrives.

Dam Drainage Room

Flip the switch to drain an area that will be blocking your retrieval by Billy. Grab the Acid Rounds and head through the door.

Chemical Room

Kill the Crawler and grab the Blue Chemical from the tank near the door. Mix it with the Red Chemical to form Sulfuric Acid. Then grab the Industrial Water near a computer and mix it with the acid to form Battery Acid. Grab the Acid Rounds and head down the stairs.

Crawler Tank Room

Switch to Billy.

Gondola Station

Head down the lift.

Tyrant Hall

Head into the first door.

Outer Dam

Head along the path to the next area.

Nekkid Zombie Room

Ignore the nekkid zombies and open the locked door to reunite with Rebecca.

Crawler Tank Room

On a shelf near the stairs is a Battery. Send Rebecca up to get it and you’ll be ambushed by Crawlers. Kill ‘em then mix the Battery Acid with the Battery. Now return to the Forklift room.

Forklift Room

Stick the Battery into the Forklift then have one of your characters with an extra item space hop onto the crate on the lift. Activate the lift and they’ll get a Keycard. Head back to the Nekkid Zombie Room.

Nekkid Zombie Room

Kill the nekkid zombies, grab the Shotgun ammo and head to the door. Use the Keycard and head on through.

Final Hall

Head down the hall, grab the Magnum Ammo and enter the door.

Lair of the Leech Queen

After a humorous scene where we learn the Leech Queen is actually a guy… :P…the boss fight begins...well it's not actually funny it's just funny that the queen is male.

Boss Fight #7: The Leech Queen

Rip into this fucker with the Magnum and the Shotgun. It should die before inflicting much damage…some queen…

There’s a pack of Magnum ammo in here so make sure you pick it up. Afterwards check the Queens’ ‘corpse’ (he’s not dead and you know it!) to get the Left and Right Keys. Head to the door to the next area and use them on their respective consoles. Billy and Rebecca will use one each.

Final Save Room

Stock up on the copious amounts of ammo and healing items here and ensure Billy takes the best weapons. But also ensure he still has his handgun. The handgun with about 30 bullets, Magnum with all the ammo you have and the Grenade Launcher chock full of Acid Rounds should do the trick. Save then head onto the lift and activate it.

Final Battle Ground

Final Boss: The Leech Queen Evolved

Tear into her highness with your Grenade Launcher. After most of the ammo is gone Rebecca will notice the Queen’s weakness. You’ll split up and Rebecca will have to activate four switches. Keep the Queen occupied as Billy. Hit him with a few Handgun bullets and if he starts to chase after Rebecca hit him with a Magnum blast or an Acid Round. Billy can take about five or six hits from the Queen so you should have no trouble. After all the switches are thrown the game is over.

(c)2006 All materials are copyrighted by their respective authors. All games mentioned in this site are copyrighted by their respective producers and publishers. No infringement on any existing copyright is intended. All rights reserved.