DISCLAIMER YOU MUST READ (as of May 17 2005 - I'm slooow, yeah): The Fanart Section is
currently experiencing problems (since January 2005, in case you haven't noticed...). Some links are down, some
submissions have disappeared, but fear not; everything should be fixed soon. Where "soon" can range from a week to 3
months or more. :P In the mean time, don't stop to send me your submissions, please. Thanks for your patience. –Walhalla
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Artist: Ket Shi
Description: Charmeleon is kicking stuff. |
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Artist: Ket Shi
Description: Vaporeon calmly sitting there. |
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Artist: Ket Shi
Description: Dratini, Marill, Azurill, and Mudkip apparently having a lot of fun in the river. |
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Artist: Ket Shi
Description: A bright red picture of Skitty. Drawn before it was very clear what Skitty looked like,
so some details are off. |
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