| ![]() RPG Classics Mailbag
Second, "My Tank is Fight". No, it's not just an vague, oddly worded threat; it's the title of an upcoming book based on a series of articles at Something Awful regarding fantastically bizarre, outlandish, or otherwise weird weapons of World War 2. It's not side-splittingly funny, but it IS humorous (bonus points for Carmen Sandiego/Rockapella reference); the majority of the entertainment comes from the detailed descriptions of some of the sheerly audacious weapons. Most (but not all) of this stuff was basically hare-brained Nazi mad scientist material, like the "Amerika Bomber", a proposal for a massive plane that would be launched by a rocket from a runway of two or more miles of train track, which would then achieve sub-orbital flight paths that would theoretically allow it to bomb as far away as the US, hence the name. If you haven't read the articles, I suggest you start there to get a taste for what's to come; then check out the mailing list and sign up to get tantalizing updates, and perhaps even win a prize! Now then, on to the mailbag. First Blood is timjs. I suspect hax. OMG. *Re-pieces head*
OW OW OW OW OW! I blame it on Ozzie.
Hmmmmm..... another free for all........ well I saw you with.....*Is hit by Ragnarok buster*
Anyway, why not do a character melee? For the next mailbag?
You think you're (there! I corrected it! happy?! HAPPY?!) so tough just beacause you
have gold armor!
Sorry, couldn't back that up.
Hello Mr. Megaman! Self-proclaimed newbie BlazingRagnarok here! So the topic is a free-for-all, huh? Well this let's me get a few rants off my chest. First off: who do you think is the cooler Jedi, Mace Windu or Darth Maul. Personally, I think it's a tough call. I mean Mace Windu is like the Mr. T of the Jedi (I pity the foo' who don't like Mr. T!), but Darth Maul has that whole facial tattoo and double-ended lightsaber thing going for him.
Speaking of which, let get a somewhat related lament off: Why George Lucus, why did you to kill off the coolest characters right away? I mean, why did you kill off Qui-Gon and Darth Maul in Episode I, Jango Fett in Episode II, and countless others and yet let Jar-Jar Binks live through the entire prequel trilogy?
*ahem* Now then, with that out of the way, let's move on to my next subject: In Chrono Trigger, you will recall that Ozzie VIII was the elder of Medina Village and a decedent of Ozzie. Which brings up the subject, what Mystic would..., you know, with Ozzie's fat ass? Brrr, I just had horrible mental image there.
Lastly, I ask you: who do you think is the stranger RPG character Quina in Final Fantasy IX or Mizuti in Baiten Kaitos? Personally, I think Quina, because Mizuti was human and you learned that is was a she (sorry, minor spoiler there), while Quina, is well, Quina!
That's all for this mailbag! See you around!
Free for all yay! Pie for everyone! oh ozzie... I made this pie especially for you *brandishes Pie filled with several hunting knifes, switchblades, shanks, and Jack Tacos (kudos if you get the reference)* here catch! *throws pie at Ozzie*
lessee...I can talk about anything here, so how about palindromes? sure there are easy ones like Hannah and Otto and race car...then advanced ones like UFO tofu and Lonely tylenol but how about Rats live on no evil Star? Or "Do Nine men interpret?" "Nine men" I nod (I had to add the punctuation ^^;) can you think of any?
Evil Joe: wait, what's a palindrome?
Hmm well I guess I've wasted enough of your ti- wait a minute! a few mailbags ago you said you should buy me a pizza or something! is that offer still good? I hope so because I really love pizza!
well if so let me know next mailba-WHY ARE YOU NOT DEAD OZZIE?!?! *Nukes Ozzie with a Panzer Faust*
there now I can disappear with a clear mind (thats your cue Mr. Cage!)
A Double Damage free for all, eh? I think I'd like to say /do something like this: *Ralph used Handgun!
Also, I think the reference is to the golden rule of shooters.
Dear Mr. Megaman, As you said last mailbag, "If it moves, shoot it. If it doesn't move, shoot it anyway, just to be sure. And if it shoots back, dodge." Taking that to heart, I would like to use this opportunity to shoot Ozzie. *shoots Ozzie* And, while I'm here, *shoots Megman* *dodges Megaman's fire* And we're back to where we started from. Yay! until THE END,
P.S. Sorry for the randomness. But, in my defense, it IS a free for all, and I'm sugar high off Pringles and grapefruit juice.
Yo! I just read the mailbag (last month's) about the homosexual characters and it seems like a lot of people took the question differently then I did. I never looked at Cloud or Flea as gay. In fact, I didn't even see much homosexuality at all in video games, much less RPGs. Plenty of games have female leads and that doesn't make them less fun to play (for me, being a guy) then if there was a male lead. In fact, I enjoy games like Lethal Enforcers where there is a choice between a guy and a girl so you don't eliminate half the people at a party from playing a game.
As for sex appeal, a big breasted girl is going to go a lot farther then a big muscle guy. Even still, games like Rumble Roses is really only a novelty: women aren't buying. Homosexuality in RPGs, I think, is mostly dependent on the player. If you play FF7 to get Cloud to date Barrett, then you added the element of homosexuality to the game. If you choose the to be a hero whose gender differs from your own (Pokemon) then you've again added that (homosexual) aspect to the game.
RPGs aren't supposed to be about the "real" world anyway! I mean, how often have you walked outside and been attacked by a living puddle, killed it with your sword and found gold coins after it dissolved? As a fantasy outlet, the real world should only effect RPGs to a minimum, else you're playing Sim City or something... That's right: a game about real life. (How boring...)
Well, enough of that. I dunno what policy is for mailbag entries, but I bet you'll be getting a good amount of feedback after last month's, so I helped out a bit. ...maybe... -MAGUS (19684) PS: For future mailbag topic, how about what makes video game characters believable? I think that would stir up a lot of comments, no?
Eh, LordRetard here. Bwaarg, I wrote an entry to the mailbag. Be happy. I have a few things to talk about… First off, don't feel guilty about Rountree. Some earlier mailbags didn't even accept every entry, as I recall (so it might totally be a lie). It was an honest mistake, anyway.
On the subject of the same email, I'd like to mention a similar game to Live A Live; Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. Okay, not very similar, but the basic concept is the same; you go through several different times and places to finish the game. I'd recommend the game to anyone, particularly those who were fascinated with Live A Live's concept. Now, I'd like to move onto my next issue, that of the new Harry Potter book and also "spoiling" books. May I ask, why would a book be ruined just because you know how it ends? That doesn't even go into detail about the middle of the book. If your book can be ruined just by knowing the ending, it's probably not that good of a book, because a *good* book would be interesting to read anyway. If interest in your book can only be maintained by wondering "hmm, I wonder how it ends" (even though the Harry Potter books generally end with the same concept, something assumed during the book turns out to be false), then it can't be a good book. Some better books explain the ending *before* starting the book, and they've turned out fine (most notably some mystery novels). Finally, a question: would you consider Eternal Darkness or the Resident Evil series to be RPGs? I've briefly considered shrining one of 'em, and I think it's an idea that I might pursue, however Dalton of Zeal (who now maintains the Join Page, if I recall correctly) has not replied to my emails asking if they'd be considered RPGs. For one, Eternal Darkness is referenced on Merlin's staff page.
Hi X, long time reader, first time writer. I'll hit on each of the points you outlined on the main page, feel free to use only pieces of my mail if you like. So are we allowed to talk about the hot coffee mod, or what? Honestly, i have rather mixed feelings about it, and them stem from 4 things. 1. Unfinished code is just that...UNFINISHED. It wasn't intended to be seen by the public. The fact that the media is playing this story to be "your son/daughter can watch porn by hitting the x button!" is infuriating. I doubt Johnny-8-year-old is going to crack his PC game just to see some naked boobies. 2. Rockstar has no room to say ANYTHING. Again, the code was an unfinished island. Why in gods name was it in there in the first place?
3. Content like this has been in games for YEARS. Why all of a sudden are we appalled? For fucks sake, even SIMCOPTER had porn extras! (you could see men touching each other naked in one of the rooms if you did some code...google it if ye doubt the claim!). And remember shufflepuck cafe? The one chick showed bewbs if you beat her. Why are we all now shocked?
4. The floodgates are now open. Now that these psycho parents have a rallying point, i think we're going to see some real changes in the games industry. Remember back a few years ago when Greece and Australia were banning games left and right? And we all thought it could never happen here? Well guess what, its about to. Now that the politicians are angered (and its someone other than lieberman), and the uninformed public has been successfully brainwashed, the stage is set for super-strict laws against graphic games. I hear some parents are even picketing Rockstar north, trying to get them to stop producing the new game "bully". Thats definitely a step up, i can't remember a time when the protests spilled over into real life like that. Honestly, this blizzard news doesn't matter to me much at all. Like you said, most of the blizzard we know and love is gone, long gone. The people responsible for their most beloved games have jumped ship long ago. I really don't even care for the company anymore, honestly. WC3 wasn't my cup of tea, and i just can't seem to get into WoW like other people. =\
But what i'd LOVE for them to do is...a starcraft remake. I know, i know, such a cliché dream...but i think mine is a little more realistic. In response to WestWood's packs of the classic C&C games, blizzard has come out with "BattleChest" versions of theirs...basically the original game with all expansions in one box set. Why stop there? Why not update the games with new graphics, new missions, new map packs, new subplots? And why not do it for the biggest blizzard title of all? I mean, honestly, where is the SC franchise going? Nowhere. True, SC:Ghost is coming out (eventually ;P), but thats more of an addendum to the SC storyline than a continuation of it. How tough would it be to add on some missions that flesh out key points in the original story? And jeez, how tough would it be to just redraw the graphics?
God how i hate dalton. What a bitch. I hate him so fucking much. Ever since last year, when i asked him to the sadie hawkins dance, and he had the GALL to turn me down. No offense, but if I'M the one approaching him, he DAMN WELL BETTER say yes. Doesn't he know who i am? Ugh. What a pig.
{regarding SG} I wouldn't be surprised. Oh SG, what a crazy character you are.
Hopefully that'll give you something to work with. -/dev
You slanderous mud-slinger! How dare you sully my reputation with that main page update! Every last thing you said about me was either greatly exaggerated or only half true, and I won't have our main page readers believing those vile lies you have spread about!
I am writing in today to express what X SHOULD have said about me. The absolute truth about myself and my integrity. Here is the truth, people. I am not chauvanistic in any way. I merely believe that women aren't as good as men at anything except at being women. Does that make me a female hating pig? Hell no! Not once did I ever say I "hated" women; all I said was that I am better than them. And yet, X calls me misogynistic! Injustice!
And that bit about having 50 dead hookers in the trunk of my car. I don't even OWN a car! The prostitutes are stuffed IN MY CLOSET, and there are only 49 of them! But leave it to X to elevate the body count to his sensationalist desires. And those hookers died of natural causes; namely, blood loss! ACCIDENTALLY suffering from a gunshot wound may LEAD to death, but the loss of blood is what causes the person in question to die; not the small piece of metal lodged within the body! And yet you advocate gun use with that cannon on your arm. Hyprocrisy!
Also, I did NOT spoil the ending of that book! I was merely polling the popularion of middle school children who read the book by yelling out the content of the event on Page 606 and noting the kids' reactions. If a few slowpoke readers hadn't reached that point of the book by the time I reached their school, well, then maybe they deserved to have it spoiled!
That last part is perhaps the most disgusting flat-out lie I have ever read. I am not forcing teenagers to whore out their bodies! I am using them for slave labour. Duh.
Let it be known that I will not stand idly by and watch you spread this filth about me like expired mayonnaise on moldy bread. You are a slanderer, a liar, and you sit on a throne of lies. Your gold-plated armor is as half-truthed as the lies you tell about me. For your armor is crafted from fool's gold, which in turn, makes you a FOOL! ~ Dalton of Zeal
Majinbuu is baaaacccckk!!!!! Dalton of Zeal must pay for his crimes against hookers and middle schoolers everywhere!!!!.... hey,megamanx2k, why don't you make the next mail bag ideas on how to punish Dalton? I have several ideas, so I just enter one now and next week if it's the mailbag. First hand him upside down for a week by his toes while forcing him to watch Jerry Springer reruns. Next dip him in a vat of melted plastic (prefferably made from melted Virtua Boy cartrages), then paint the hardened plastic some weird design and hang him up as a pinata for all those poor ninjas SG is scaring. My other planned Idea isn't as friendly, but even funnier. P.S. I will get you next for that Backstreet Boys crap you gave me in the last mailbag.
Hey there! Now, I read the "no body's been writing in" message and I noticed that a lot of people are speculating about a Diablo 3. Now, I have the first 2 (and expansions) and I love 'em! As far as totally random RPG-esque game goes, Diablos take the prize hands down! However, not for nothing, in Diablo 2 you kinda off all the possible boses (and this time, for good!) so I don't really see how they can make it a threequel... Granted, I'm sure they could pull a "1,000 years before the original Diablo..." or "A second rebellion of Heaven..." kinda thing, or just ignore the fact that everything is already dead. Now, I know that video game companies have been knwn to do that (Breath of Fire comes to mind...) and I'm not saying a Diablo 3 won't sell (I'll be one of the first to buy it) but aren't RPGs kinda running on empty in the original plot department? OKay, sure, I'll accept the fact that anything less than save the world/kingdom makes for boring play but let's get some thinking caps on in there, huh? I can only tolerate "Crap!!! That Long-haired pretty boy who is really my long lost twin brother is destroying the planet!!!" just so many times... MAGUS(19684)