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RPG Classics Mailbag
Let's see.. I have to do two things here. Hmmm, worry, worry. oh, what the heck. The kind of artistic style I prefer is a serious, straightforward design. I know I've seen it before, but I don't know who did it (if I memorized all of these japanese names, I would have no life). And the best host was Lunaris, on the sole fact that Macc can't be voted for. Bye!
I am writing this on November the fifth. The reason that I am writing this is because I believe there is a typo on the question, and I do not want to be seen as an idiot than I already am. But I'll assume you are asking for Artistic style of a classic rpg game.
I kind of liked the artistic style of Final Fnatasy IV. My reason is because it brings back fond memories of the good old times playing the first Final Fantasy. And as for the latter half of the question, I really have no opinion on who is the best. I'm...sorry... Demolition Man Out!
Heya Cid 8) Ok, here's my take on your subject Best artist, I'd have to say Yoshitaka Amano, his art is simply breathtaking, and I really liked what he did with FF9. I think the super-deformed style is better personally. Now for the best mailbag host(besides Macc ;P) : You were all good 8) Really, I can't get a favorite here.... That's pretty much it... See you later Cid ! 8D
To the scientist and mechanic,
Ironically, my friends and fellow walkers of the dark path (Zeina Zieber Zom) of RPG playing were discussing this same topic just last week. One member of this group, who shall remain nameless, holds alligance to "New School" RPGs in the vein of Xenogears and FF8, with their dynamic intros and 3D worlds. He tries daily to convince the rest of the group (read: 2 people) that these RPGs are the motes on God's cape and we are trapped in folly to belive that the "Old School" RPGs such as FF6 and Chrono Trigger could possibly better than it's newer counterparts. Yet, something, more than just storyline (which is not to say that story plays a major role) kept me to the ugly games. There had to be something that would break the logical logic that (storyline notwithstanding) the new, prettier game would almost obviously be more desired. So, I set out to find out why, and I would not rest before I had the solution. Then, two hellish days later, filled with stimulants (legal, mind you), and the peculiar sense of clarity that both hell and sleep deprivation provide, came rapture. I had found the answer. For the better the graphics are, the less I could create and modulate. The less it became a thing I could change and be mine own, and more somebody else's story I was sitting in on. The tiny pixles that make up Shadow have more space for my own mind to provide the mystery and intrigue than those most detailed polygon. The scene where Frog lifts the Masamune from the ground for the first time could be recreated internally with a thousand times more detail than the sharpest anime intro. Mine own perverted Kefka, infinite in madness, lost his charm when my freind booted up his FF Anthologies CD and showed me the Freddy Mercury incarnation that Squaresoft had imprisoned him in. And so, when it comes to the perfect art style for an RPG, I would look no further than simple 2D, for I belive that RPGs should provide a template from where the player can modify to his heart's content, rather than a full work of art that is frozen in the creator's eyes. Or maybe I'm just cranky and long-winded. Oh, well. I need to get cracking on my REM rebound. P.S. Read Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud, chapter 4 or something is all about this sort of thing.
I liked the anime-style character art of Chrono Trigger made by Akira Toriyama. Lucca, Ozzie, the artist who designed you is the same man who made DragonballZ(have you ever noticed how some of the Chrono Trigger characters bear a resemblance to a few of the DBZ characters?). I also enjoyed the anime cut-scenes put in the playstation version. The graphics in Chrono Trigger were better than any other SNES RPG I've seen.
Hello! I have returned to fill your life with golden cheeze and space ramomo! You cannot resist my funky power-camel kiss! Fear! Love! High Heels! Now,the artisitcal style I luve ish the one of the infamous Xenogears! It's just so great,I mean it's anime-ish,yet in a 3-D world,like BoF 3 and BoF4.Except more varied! I mean,you have the the Mediterranian-style Nisan.The hardcore steampunk Nortune,Capital of Kislev,the floating city Thames!And even the utopian-like Shevat and the uber-evil,cocky,preppy Solarian Capital Eternak with it's groovy reverse gravity! And the mecha are *so* yummy! *spazzes out to a mental pic of Ramsus' gear Wyvern". Now,taste the cool,yet gentle pulse of CRESCENT BEAM SHOWER! *lazer rain..wee!* My vote goes out to Celes and her insane antics which make me feel like a brand new suitcase.
I'm bored.
The best system in an RPG would have to be Final Fantasy Tactics..
I'm an old school kinda guy. So I like old school pictures. And I like Japanese anime so the cutscenes (which are anime) would have to look like a jap anime if they're looking for that to make me smile :) So that's about it. Oh and another example of this type of Graphic system would be Vanguard Bandits Lunars and another game I can't thing of the name right now. All right! Now I get to Trash X.
*Town portal appear and Booken came in the room*
Now for the vote *Look for Macc on the list* Dang!
One last thing, Ozzie, when i post you a Mailbag Reply, i expect you to Post it!!!!!!!! Oh right * Take a step back*
Helooooooo! Doc Shinryuu again. I don't have much time, so I'll be brief. I think the BEST RPG format so far has been Final Fantasy Tactics. Aside from the general Krillin-itis (lack of noses) infecting all characters, the Job Class and Zodiac Sign Systems mad the game a little more interesting. As for my favorite mailbag host/hostess/person/place/thingy, it's a tie between Ciddy(you) and Webrunner. Hopefully I might be the mailbag host sometime... *gets a hopeful look in his eyes* Anyway, gotta go, I've got a part in Romeo and Juliet to play. ^_^
*Dark orbs materlize through the walls, converging in the center, which creates a glowing black rob which grows until I step out of it.*
Hmmm, been a while since I've been here. Anyway, before I begin, welcome back (finally), Cidolfas. *Fanfare goes off in the BG*
Well, I missed a lot. Here, I write up this greatly devised evil plot, where nothing could possibly go wrong, only to have my computer freeze up when I hit send... *kicks Cid's computer*
Anyway, since I don't know much about this topic, I'll make it short and sweet. Given your five choices, I'd have to go with the FF Tatics style, which I assume is the same as OB64 style. The only other style I've seen was the "sketchy, serious, wacky style", which looks absolutely appalling. I mean, look at Terra. She looks as stoned as Keith Richards except with short hair! And Leo... *shudders* Well, now for the second part of the topic. First, let's list everyone who hosted a mailbag: Macc, Spoony, Dark Macc, Cidolfas, mmx2k, Celes, Ozzie, Lunaris, Megaman984, Evil Cid, Lucca, and that adventures guy. Next, let's strike out Ozzie, Evil Cid, and Dark Macc just for who they are. Now, I'll strike out mmx2k, who didn't do very because his topic had only four or five replies. Next, I'll axe Spoony because I didn't think his topic was interesting enough. Next, the adventures guy goes, because I just didn't really like his humor that much. So that leaves Macc, Cidolfas, Celes, Lunaris, Megaman984, and Lucca. Cidolfas can't win because he's here every week. Lunaris has to go because it was just too removed for my tastes. So, that leaves Macc, Celes, Megaman, and Lucca. Macc automatically wins the best host award, so, the award for the 2nd best mailbag host is... *opens an envlope* Celes! Runner-up: Megaman984. I hope they both return someday. Wow, I put more effort that I thought into that. Oh well, <SNL> good night, and have a plesant tomorrow!</SNL> *Disappears in spiraling smoke*
G'hoy hoy. RPGC's resident Pit Master is here again! Hmm... Artistic styles you say? Hmmm... Personally, I like the style of FF1-6 and FF9. I guess I like it the best since that's the style I first encountered... Heh. The futuristic style just doesn't seem to appeal to me. I guess I'm one of those people that thinks RPGs need to take place more in medieval times rather than futuristic times... Oh well... I can't comment on the others since I haven't played them or any games that I can think of that fit in those categories. Now, time for my semi-topic. I think I'll post my views on all of them. X's Mailbag: I liked it, but hey, my first Mailbag response was a Battle Royale, so I guess I have a bit of a bias there. It was a bit to graphics heavy what with everyone getting a sprite, but I don't mind. It was good. Celes: Way too weird... Sure it's funny in the chat or possibly on the boards, but it didn't seem to fit into the Mailbag. Ozzie: Ozzie's was funny. I especially liked seeing him get hurt, but hey, that can happen in almost any Mailbag... In fact, I don't like him as the host. There needs to be some sort of omnipotent Mailbag guy that needs to hurt him. Lun: Lun's was good. His typos were good. His rant about Garland/Four Fiends/Chaos/Donuts was good. I just wished there was more destruction. Hey, maybe Lun can take over when you get sick and tired of this, Cid. Evil Cid: Well, it wasn't quite Evil enough... But I guess that's because the real Evil Cid is actually the Regular Cid... Hmmm.... This could get real confusing real fast. 984: No comment for obvious reasons. Lucca: Nice to see that Cid decided to become modern and let a girl host the show, sort of... Anyway, I liked her absent mindedness at the beginning. Aside from that, it was an okay Mailbag. Webrunner: I like Adventurers! and all. Nice to see the characters interact outside the comic. I didn't like him not posting the names of the repliers... I mistook X's reply as some lamer stealing his Ragnarok Buster... Heh... That's kind of ironic... Overall Favorite (aside from the obvious): X. I liked X's Mailbag. It was short, but hey... What are you gonna do about it? (See. I told you this could be a whole reply.)