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RPG Classics Mailbag
Ok, let's see, uh... But anyways, a weapon that I'd like to see more often...hmmm. Well, I'd have to go with really friendly programmers. You see, if you have those, then things become MUCH easier. Enemies have fewer hit points, you get more money, etc. There's no telling what the possibilities are! Wait, you prefer something in the game itself? Whoops. How about bolos then? You like bolos? No? How can you not like bolos! *hands bolos to Kagon*
Aww, fine. Lemme think of something else...how about hugs?! Wait, you can't buy hugs or equip those...that'd be like a special skill or something. Ok, I just give up. Just throw in more nunchukas, that'll do. Here, let me show you! *revs up his skillz with nunchukas, but runs out of time!*
Hey guys, BahamutXero here. I've always liked magic over brute strength so I think there should be some games using wizards with magic spells, staves, rods, whatever. I cringe to say this but, like Quest 64, but with more characters and way better graphics. I think the spell selection thing with the C-buttons (I think that's what they were called, it' the yellow ones) with pretty cool. That's a little off topic but whatver. I think there should be a game with nothing but magic as attacks. I think it would be kinda cool. Anyway, I'll be back for the next batch of mailbags. I havn't been here long enough to have a favorite Mailbag moment. Have a good holiday guys, the snow is coming to Buffalo here so it'll be another very white Christmas.
*Somewhere, in the larges radioactives wastes of South California...A man is walking. Quietly. Or at least, the most quiet you can be when you are wearing Powered Armor. On ahead, there is a few, really menacing looking lizards. Then, the man stop and turns troward the camera, and says in a quiet voice* "Shssssssh! I'm huting wittwe deatwawes!" *then, the Armored one whip out a /LARGE/ Minicannon and open fire. I'll spare you the details, but I'll just say that the lizzies get swiss cheesed. So, after this, he put back his weapon and turn troward the camera once more, lifting his helmet on the way. Oh my gosh! Its...* "...THE HOLY VAULT DWELLER IS BACK, KIDDIES! After a long, long silence while traveling the Wastes, I have return to answer yet anoter mailbag! ...Uh..." *He glances around.* "Something changed, eh? No more Cid? No more Lunaris?...And instead, some trio? Bah...whatever...All the same, huh? So what's the question? What weapon I would like to see in RPGs more often? Well...alright." *He straighten himself and declares*"A /SWORD/, of course! Do you know how /RARE/ thoses bloody things are in the Wastes? Heck, the best we've got is a bloody /RIPPLER/! Where are my laser rapiers, damnit?...What? WHAT?...Oh! In RPGS, as OVERALL RPGS? Clearer now! Articulate your topics, kiddos!" "Well, I would like to, of course, see more gunners. Now now, you will tell me there is a lot already...But WHY must be /THIS/ weak? Why must be a regular law that Guns are merly deadly in cutscenes? WHY!? Except in a few games, like Fallout(That's mine!), where guns are extremly deadly, the firearms are genearly...worthless. For some reason. A spikey-haired mute teenager moron can do more damage than a Avenger Minicannon! GO FIGURE THAT OUT!" "Also, anoter good weapon I would like to see is, of course...staves. Yes, we see them a lot, and thoses weakling of mages wield staves or thiere weaker cousins, wands. But a staff can be quite a deadly weapon in good hands, as martial artists demonstrated. I would sure like to see more of thoses things." "And, for last...SPEARS! Only because that I like Spears. I dont like when Tribals throw them at me, but most of the time they just get stuck in my Powered Armor anyway. Then, I pull 'em out and, while they open thiere eyes with FEAR and call me in thiere own language a 'Metal Demon', I throw back at THEM! BWHAHAHAH--..Erm. AHEM." "In anycases...I, well, have to go! More Deathclaws to hunt, y'know and all...saving the wastes, crap like that. Oh well! Later, 21th century kids!" *And with that, he pull back his visor on and heads off!* *Then, a '60-style cheesy publicity music start playing, with a message showing up on the screen, saying: "This is the Holy Vault Dweller, Singing off! Remmber kids: Inspire fear into Tribals at your own risk! They might cast vile voodoo spells on you!" Then. "This Mailbag response was comendited by Rotgut: When you need something to hit the spot, take Rotgut!"*
Hola mis amigos, que te pasa!!??
It is I, BryanRPGer2, and i am not one for flashy entrances. So anyway.....what weapon would I like to see more in RPGs?? Well, it's nice of you to ask. Three weapons are needed to be seen! First, bolas!! An antique ninja weapon, it's silky smoooth and makes a nice howling noise when thrown. Not to mention it trips people with grace :D. Second, A GIANT CHAINSAW!! Yes, yes, it sounds absurd, but think of the damage you could do! A chainsaw would cut through anything faster than a sword ever could! Bye bye final boss! Last but not least, swallows! No, not the bird, the ultra-fab double-spear thing in CC! That thing r0x0rs!! Smooth and graceful, my friends, smooth and graceful! Sayoonara,
P.S. I'm going to do something very fun in the P.P.S. P.P.S. *Kicks Kagon in the face* BWAHAHAHAHA!!
*Elevator music plays* This is everyones favorite mailbag personality, The Wizardmaster! Oh, I'm sorry 984, I didn't know you don't like my intermissions. Well, I have one thing to say: TOO BAD! Mwaaaaaaaaa ha haaaaa!!! *Intermission begin*
*Intermission end* Mad? TOO BAD!!! (That rhymes. I rock. :-) *Intermission begin* *Intermission end* Mwaaaaaaaaa ha haaaaaaaaa!! I am also The Intermission Master!!!! *Intermission begin* *Intermission end* Ok... I'm done... NOT!!! *Intermission Begin* *Intermission End*
Ok, seriously, now that that is out of my system, the actual reply. What weapon(s) would I like to see more of in the future? GUNBLADES, Duh!!! (P.S. S.C., when can you fire the Gunblade, or are you talking about triggers?) (P.P.S. Quistis is AWESOME!) The Gunblade would be a very cool weapon to have. Of course, you shouldn't modify it (unless like in FF9) but buy different kinds (like in almost every other game). It slices, it dices, AND you can shoot people with it! The only problem with the Gunblade is the person who weilds it. (Squall, not Siefer) Now, for The Wizardmaster's Wordz of Wizdom: Life is not short. It is the longest thing a human can do. Goodbye My loyal (And not so loyal) fans! *Intermission begin* *The Wizardmaster's Mailbag reply end*
I like spears... AUGH!!!(is run over my thousands of fighter fanboys) No, i meant to say spears you idiots! Err, exactly, this is Slavoc with his 5th and most recent mailbag reply! (Well thanks capitain obvious, I'll log that one in the blatantly useless file)...?
Sure... Well spears, which are my personal favorite weapon are far too underappreciated in games I find. Think about it, skewering your sword-weilding opponent in the throat before they think they've engaged you in close-combat. Fun. Sure they're used, sometimes, but the generic-sword-good-guy thing gets a little irritating, some other fun weapons are super-assassin--type-things, like wrist blades. 8D Woo.
Hi mailbaggers, 40 hours! I'm going to tell you what weapon I want to see more in RPG's and there's nothing you can do about it mwahahaha. Anyway there are a few diffrent types of weapons I want to see more of; first, some sort of raygun that afflicts your enemies with crippling psychological problems. You shoot it at enemies and they're filled with self doubt or depression and just basically feel too bummed out to attack you. Second is knife and fork weapons. Now I now we already have knives, and that's good that's progress, but we need forks to, and outside of Quina because she was annoying. Let's say I were fighting a random enemy. For arguments sake we'll give him a totally random name, say, ohhhhhh, maybe, Kagon. Now if I wanted eat Kagon I would be in a pinch. Sure I could stab him a few times, but I couldnt really serve him with fava beans could I? That's why we need dinnerware weapons, and maybe some cooking magiv spells so you can eat your foes. Yum! ~ClothHat
*You hear the door open as Doc Shinryuu walks in, carrying a large sack over his shoulder. Doc walks toward center stage and puts the sack down, looking rather merry.* Ho ho ho, viewers! Merry soon-to-be Christmas! Before I begin my reply, I come bearing gifts! *"Jingle Bells" begins playing* For Megaman 984, the book 984 Ways To Annoy Your Co-Hosts. For Kagon, a super-advance copy of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Special Edition on DVD. And for SG... *Takes a rather large fish out of the sack* A beating with a Halibut! *Hits SG repeatedly with the Halibut* How DARE you mock up my last reply! You shall pay with either your life or your lifetime supply of CAIK! *Finishes beating SG to a pulp. Doc throws the fish, which, ironically, lands on Energon.*
Anyway, on to my reply. Hmm... Weapons, weapons... I'd like to see more of a few weapons, actually: 1) Guns: Long range weaponry at it's finest. Give me an RPG with guns, and you've got yourself one happy Demi-Human. 2) Hammers: C'mon. Who WOULDN'T want to beat their enemies into the ground like nails? 3) Yoyos: ...Well, ok... So maybe I DID like Earthbound a bit... But only because of the wacky weaponry. 4) Shurikens/Kunais: I haven't seen ONE RPG that has a character use these(other than FFT). Bring on the ninjas! Well, that's it for now. Hopefully, SG'll recover in time for the next Mailbag. He's most of the Comic Relief. Now, I'm off to reply to the next Mailbag. See ya. *Doc walks out to a waiting sleigh and hops in saying "Let's go, Mr. Klaus!"* ... ... ... ... *"Jingle Bells" finally stops playing*
Yarr, nice to see you guys again. Especially you, Cousin Kagon. Weapons, Eh? Now we're in a favorite territory of mine! Okay, I'm sure you'll see this one at least a few times, but PORNO MAGS! I mean, whacking a demon with some Pron? It's the ultimate force! If you want conventional weapons, though(spoilsports), I rarely see clubs/cudgels in many games. I mean, some games will use rods and staves like clubs, but they always suck! Oh, and for cases which involve unruly mobs, Shovels and Hoes are always fun to use as makeshift weapons. Well, I'm done! Until the next time I decide to be seen in public! C'mon, Skippy! *rides my badger steed off into the sunset*
Hi gang, This is my first contribution to the Mailbag. I would've done something before but I kept having problems with BOTH Outlook Express and with Netscape Mail... apparently both use my local ISP mail service, which for some reason stopped working for me a while ago. Have I mentioned that my ISP SUCKS? I have? OK, let's move on. I ended up setting up Yahoo Mail as my Email default... let's SEE if this works... Another reason that has kept me from participating in your... ah... WONDERFUL... Mail Section is that, to be honest, I hardly ever checked the Main Page... as a result I missed in on the Wild Arms contest- by the time I found out, I had ALREADY bought the game. So, from now, I'll ALWAYS log in thru the main page, so as not to miss anything. To get to this week's topic: RPG Weapons. Which ones I would like to see more often? Well, to be honest, I don't care much about weapons, I prefer spells... the only weapons that stick to my memory after playing a game are the WEIRD ones. You know, things like Yuffie's Shriken-shaped Swords, or Cait Sith's Megaphones. Yeah, they were absurd, but they were DIFFERENT from the same old swords, clubs or axes. In particular, I like it when the Main Hero has something OTHER than a sword, like the bizarre version of the Masamune in Chrono Cross. In addition, I like weapons with their own magical powers- so much so, I NEVER sell them, I keep them and sell off the non-magical ones. You could say I collect them- I like to finish a game with at least one of every available magical weapon, even if have to do subquests to find them, or fight a lot of randoms fights to get the money. (One thing I liked about Golden Sun was that, if you DID sell a magic item at a store, you could always buy it back!!!) And that's my 2 cents. Now to see if your responses are intelligent, or at least FUNNY. ...Not holding my breath. 8P
Hello, hello. This is Zel dropping in a reply to the mailbag for the second time ever. *Hands out candy to everyone* I would have done a flashy entrance, but I left it in my other pants. *A rimshot is heard, or maybe a gunshot. Who knows? The shadow knows.* Right, anyway. What weapons do I want to see more of? Well, maybe Ruby and Emerald, or even Omega would be neat to see more of. *Someone comes up and whispers something* Oh, THOSE weapons. Well, most of all I'd like to see RPG heroes using no weapons at all. More bare-fisted martial arts, and such. Xenogears and Legend of Legaia are good examples of it. The next type of weapon that I want to see more of is mecha. Again, Xenogears is a good example of this. What better way to smite your enemies than with a giant robot prepped with weapons of mass destruction? Overkill? Nah. They deserve it. Next and for the remainder would be a few of the weapons seen in Chrono Cross. Frying pans, fishing rods, carrots, guitar picks, and especially Serge's swallow weapon. Double bladed nastiness with that one. Hm. I think I've run out of ideas. So in closing, sometimes the best weapon is no weapon at all. That, or a big, big robot. That's all I've got, so until the next time the end of the world comes around, see ya. *Zel departs toward the snack bar provided for all who reply to the Mailbag.*
Hello again! This is GG Crono 4 with another mailbag response! w00t! First, let me just say that GG likes this topic. He likes it very much. ^_^ Honestly, I have ALWAYS loved RPGs with cool weapons. The weapon I would like to see more of is...SWORDZ! ...did you REALLY think I would stoop to that level? I'm going to give this topic a semi-serious response, thankyouverymuch. It's true that I loves me some cool weapons. Some of my faves are FFX's Caladbolg and Chrono Cross's Mastermune. There's really no particular weapon type I'd like to see more of (Exept maybe axes. I've always liked axes for some reason.) But I WOULD like to see some new and unusual weapons. Not unusual like weird, just like different. I liked Wakka's blitzballs, and Quina's forks (Hey, they were pretty cool forks.) Swords and stuff are cool and all, but I like to see few few new things. Like I said, there are no real specific weapon types i'd like to see, I'd just like to see some cool new weapons. Oh, and I have one little question for 984 before I go. Does Captain O accualy have any powers, or does he just pop in when an O-word needs to be said? Just curious. Well, until next time...This is GG Crono 4, saying peace out, and Rock on, fellow RPGers! I luvs ya!!!!