WeaponsI like pointy things...0_< >_0...anyways...enough references to an odd cartoon most of you don't remember. Weapons are the backbone of your survival in the game, but you've got to know which ones are important and which ones you can go all willy nilly with...even though doing that with anything is bad idea. Survival Knife Rating: .5/10 Location: Default weapon for both characters. This wins the award for the most useless weapon in any video game ever. On normal it takes about fifteen stabs to the face before a zombie dies and by then the freak'll have vomited enough acid onto you to kill you about four times. It'd be more usefull if you were able to perform combos with it but thats not an option, all you can do is stab...very slowly at that. Handgun Rating: 8/10 Location: Default weapon for Jill and on the floor in the main hall after encountering the first zombie with Chris. The Handgun is your best friend. You'll have this baby in your inventory for nearly the entire game. It's capable of killing a zombie in between 5-7 shots on Normal, give or take two on Hard or Easy, but I don't suggest using it on Hunters. The Handgun works best against the standard enemies such as zombies and cerberus and since they're the most common enemies it's a good thing. Shotgun Rating: 6.5/10 Location: In the Shotgun room on the eastern side of the mansion. To get it you must have the Broken shotgun found on the western side of the mansion in a room off the lower half of the Outer Garden Hall. Now, you're probably looking at this thinking "What a moron. He gave the Handgun a higher grade then the Shotgun." well before you shove your collective heads up your asses shut up and read. I give the Shotgun a low rating is because it holds piddly amounts of ammo and is only handy against Crimson Heads and Hunters...and by the time you face them in large numbers you'll either have a Grenade Launcher with Jill or the Assault Shotgun with both characters. Hell, if you're anything like me by the time you get the Shotgun with Jill you'll be about two minutes from getting the Assault Shotgun and four minutes from getting the Grenade Launcher. It's useful in a pinch but it's not a good idea when the designers decide to upgrade the gun less then a quarter of the first part of the game later for Jill and less than an hour of slow gameplay for Chris. Hell, I hadn't even finished the ammo that came with it when I got the Assault Shotgun with Chris...and thats saying a lot. Assault Shotgun Rating: 8.5/10 Location: After defeating the Yawn with Jill and after draining the Aqua Ring with Chris. Now, this is the useful Shotgun. The A. Shotgun holds more ammo, although not as much as I'd like...stupid wasted space..., and is a wee bit higher on the power meter when compared to the normal Shotgun. This weapon becomes a staple in your armament when you return to the mansion from the residence. With Hunters and Crimson Heads running rampant a powerful gun such as this is a good investment of item space. The main reason I give this gun a two point higher rating then the regular old Shotgun is shelf life. This weapon is useful over a greater period of time, since you get it about halfway through the game at the latest and you don't get a weapon with constant ammo that is stronger then the A. Shotgun for the entire game with Chris and with Jill you want to conserve Grenade Launcher ammo for bosses and the like. So all in all it's the length of usefulness that this weapon is good for, not just the power. Grenade Launcher: Rating: 9.5/10 Location: Found for Jill only in a garden that is unlocked with the Armor Key on the second floor of the Main Hall. The Grenade Launcher is an exceptional weapon. Personally I think the Grenade Launcher was given to Jill to make up for the fact that she has fairly low vitality and her weak defense items. As a general whole the Grenade Launcher has three uses. The first is putting down zombies for good with Incendiary Rounds, the second is slagging Hunters with the standard Grenade Rounds and the third is for the first round of the final battle with Acid Rounds. Basically the Grenade Launcher is Jill's trump card, a weapon which Chris is severly lacking, and will bail her out of any tough situtation. Magnum: Rating: 10/10 Location: The Raven Cemetery on the way to Lisa's Cabin. Use the Wind Crest you picked up in the mansion. The Magnum is the standard ultimate weapon for the Resident Evil series. The limited ammo is what makes this gun so valuable in the long run. The power packed into this gun is enough to put down a zombie, Cerberus, Hunter and sometimes even a Crimson Head in shot, although I suggest against wasting such ammo. This gun is reserved for the final battle and tough situations you absolutely can't get out of. It came, it saw...it kicked Tyrant ass. Flame Thrower Rating: 2/10 Location: The tunnel before the Black Widow for Chris. Yeah...nigh useless, and it had potential too. This would have been an awesome weapon for Chris in response to Jill's Grenade Launcher. It could have slagged zombies in a single burst of fire and kept them down for good...but to get anywhere after playing with it you have to put it back. Sucks, I know, but thats life. It's useful against the Black Widow but thats all...what a waste of an awesome weapon. Rocket Launcher Rating: 12/10 Location: Beat the game in less then 3 hours to get this weapon. Another version of it is given to Jill and Chris by Brad during the final battle to finish the Tyrant off. This baby can kill anything as quickly as a single shot. Thats all it takes to kill ANY enemy in the game. Just point and fire away and all things die. Samurai Edge Rating: 6/10 Location: Beat the game in under 5 hours. This gun is useless. It's another version of the standard Handgun but fires three bullets per shot instead of one. The only advantage of it over the standard Hangun is the infinite ammo.