Galloway, Skankin Garbage, Walhalla: We three Staff of Sections are, Bearing gifts from ones like Yar, Music and lines, some etched in pine, Handled by our fair stars. CHORUS SG: O site of wonder, Gallo: Site of Rast, Wal: Site of games from RPing's past, All: Worldwide leading, still procedeing, Guide us to that site at last. SG: Write a piece on Mitsuda's Pain; Or one based on Kodaka's Main; Hymns forever, ceasing never, Midis, my desire remain. CHORUS Gallo: Fanfictions to offer have I; Write them I must, or else I'll die; Reading and writing, quick as lightning, Sending to Spaz, Fanfic guy. CHORUS Wal: Art is mine, if truth be be told; Pictures displayed for all to behold; Drawings, Paintings, Etchings, Doodlings Drawn with lines, weak and bold. CHORUS Glorious now behold our fair site, Behold the background very bright Alleluia, alleluia! Sounds through the web with might. CHORUS