As the first weapon of destruction,
Lunaris gave to me…
Lunaris: |
A Turbo-Plaaaaasma Rifle! |
As the second weapon of destruction,
Lunaris gave to me…
Lunaris: |
Two, Gauss Canoooooooooooons! Etc… |
As the third weapon of destruction,
Lunaris gave to me…
Lunaris: |
Three all shiny Pizzachu Bazozoka! Etc… |
As the fourth weapon of destruction,
Lunaris gave to me…
Lunaris: |
Four loaded and armed Pulse Minicanons! Etc… |
As the fifth weapon of destruction,
Lunaris gave to me…
Lunaris: |
Five unstable and highly volatile C4 Cookiiiiiies! Etc… |
As the sixth weapon of destruction,
Lunaris gave to me…
Lunaris: |
Six bulky Juggernauts Mech Armors! Etc… |
As the seventh weapon of destruction,
Lunaris gave to me…
Lunaris: |
Seven weapons with a unnessary lengthy name but reaaaaaaaaally
painfull! Etc…
As the eighth weapon of destruction,
Lunaris gave to me…
Lunaris: |
Eight huge and Peer-Blasting Mysisisisidan Cannoooons! Etc… |
As the ninth weapon of destruction,
Lunaris gave to me…
Lunaris: |
Nine super-heated-liquide Jello-Cannon MAAAARK TWENTY-
FOUR! Etc…
As the tenth weapon of destruction,
Lunaris gave to me…
Lunaris: |
Ten oversized Energy Artilery Cannnons that blast a whole city in a
innnnstant! Etc…
As the eleventh weapon of destruction,
Lunaris gave to me…
Lunaris: |
Eleven highly-concentrated SAPPER! (Super Automated Plasma
Particle Energy Reaction!!!) Etc…
As the twelfth weapon of destruction,
Lunaris gave to me…
Lunaris: |
Twelve revolvers containing enough firepower to level the, solar,