Get 4 Stars on the Village level. |
Punisher (P 1.9, FS .33, RS 1.47, C 20), TMP (P 1.0, FS .10, RS 1.93, C 100), Semi-Auto Rifle(P 15.0, FS .40, RS 1.90, C 12) |
30 Handgun bullets, 5 Rifle bullets, 100 TMP bullets, F. Aid Spray & 3 Incendiary Grenades. |
8/10 |
Ada is most definitely not meant for close-range combat. Her SA Rifle is best utilized as a deterrent against the Garradors in the Castle level and the TMP is best
used against groups of enemies and the Chainsaw family members. The only downside to Ada is how few hits she can take so you're definitely going to want to keep enemies from getting too close as two hits could kill her. |