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Yellow Herbs

Yellow Herbs

Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three
Chapter Four Chapter Five Assignment Ada

Chapter One
Area: Location:
Village: This Herb can be found in Chapter 1-1 when you first enter the village. It's in a crate behind the barn with a cow in it.
Valley: This Herb can be found in Chapter 1-2 in the valley. It's in a locker in the small building near the exit to the next area.
Del Lago's Lake: This Herb can be found in Chapter 1-3 in Del Lago's Lake. Near the dock before you head out to fight the boss is a pair of buildings the Herb is in a crate in one of them.

Chapter Two
Area: Location:
Gated Mine: This Herb can be found in the round area in the Gated Mine. It can only be found in Chapter 2-1, it won't be there when you pass by here earlier in the game.
Cabin: This Herb is found next to the entrance to the Cabin that Leon and Luis wage war with the multitudes of Ganados in Chapter 2-2.
Reeducation Shack: This Herb is found on the second floor either during or after the fight with Mendez in Chapter 2-3. You can't go back to get it after leaving so make sure you don't miss it.

Chapter Three
Area: Location:
Castle Gates: This Herb is found inside a chest in the small building across from the crank that raises the cannon in Chapter 3-1.
Prison Hall: This Herb is found in a chest in the small room between the main Prison Hall and the part with the Fire Statues inside a crate in Chapter 3-1.
Sewer: This Herb is found in a chest in the control room of the Sewers in Chapter 3-2.
Second Gallery: This Herb is found on the floor in the room to the right of the entrance near a set of stairs in Chapter 3-2.
Garden Maze: This Herb is found on a dead end in the lower left area of the maze in Chapter 3-2.
Trap Room: This Herb is found right off to the left in the first area you start in as Ashley in Chapter 3-4.

Chapter Four
Area: Location:
Spike Pit: This Herb is found right next to the Merchant in the Spiked Pit in Chapter 4-1.
Underground Catacombs: This Herb is found near the Key to the Mines in the Underground Catacombis in Chapter 4-3.
Tower: This Herb is found in a chest on the ground floor of the Tower in chapter 4-4

Chapter Five
Area: Location:
Monitor Hall: This Herb is found in a crate on the basement floor of the Monitor Hall in Chapter 5-1.
Garbage Dump Hall: This Herb is found on a table in the area past the Dump in Chapter 5-1.
Radio Tower: This Herb is found in a crate on the walkway up to the lift up the tower in Chapter 5-1.
Shutter Hellway Save Room: This Herb is on a table in the save room after the hallway with shutters and Regenerators in Chapter 5-2.
"It's" Hunting Grounds: This Herb is found in a broken open hall off to the left in the area after the Merchant/Save Point in Chapter 5-3.
Cliff Camp: This Herb is found in the Camp after facing "It" at a dead end blocked by a fence just past the main Camp area in Chapter 5-3.
Mural Ruins: This Herb is found in the tower leading up to the final battle with Krauser in Champter 5-3.
Camp: This Herb is found in crate in the area with the gattling guns in the Camp in Chapter 5-4.
Decrepit Prison: This Herb is found in a cabinet down a small hall near the Save Point in Chapter 5-4.
Base: This Herb is found in a crate near some explosive drums in Chapter 5-4.
Final Merchant Area: This Herb is found right next to the final Merchant in the Final Chapter.

Assignment Ada:
Area: Location:
Cliff Village: Before the main village area you'll come to a bridge. Go past it and hop up two small ledges and you'll find the Herb in a crate.
Cliff Village: Near the stairs and behind some sandbags in the village is where you'll find this Herb.
Militant Cliffs: The Herb is in the chest where you found the Golden Lynx in the main game.
Dissection Room: In the Room where the Regenerator before it busted out is where you'll find the Herb.
Cell Hall: This Herb is found near the Third Plaga Sample in the area where Ashley was held prisoner.
Small Save Room: This Herb is found in a small save room at the end of the hall leading to the Labs in the main game.
Laboratory: The final Herb is found in the main area of the Laboratory where there is an assortment of ammo and Herbs behind glass.

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