Chapter Five
| Location:
Monitor Hall:
| This Herb is found in a crate on the basement floor of the Monitor Hall in Chapter 5-1. |
Garbage Dump Hall:
| This Herb is found on a table in the area past the Dump in Chapter 5-1. |
Radio Tower:
| This Herb is found in a crate on the walkway up to the lift up the tower in Chapter 5-1. |
Shutter Hellway Save Room:
| This Herb is on a table in the save room after the hallway with shutters and Regenerators in Chapter 5-2. |
"It's" Hunting Grounds:
| This Herb is found in a broken open hall off to the left in the area after the Merchant/Save Point in Chapter 5-3. |
Cliff Camp:
| This Herb is found in the Camp after facing "It" at a dead end blocked by a fence just past the main Camp area in Chapter 5-3. |
Mural Ruins:
| This Herb is found in the tower leading up to the final battle with Krauser in Champter 5-3. |
| This Herb is found in crate in the area with the gattling guns in the Camp in Chapter 5-4. |
Decrepit Prison:
| This Herb is found in a cabinet down a small hall near the Save Point in Chapter 5-4. |
| This Herb is found in a crate near some explosive drums in Chapter 5-4. |
Final Merchant Area:
| This Herb is found right next to the final Merchant in the Final Chapter. |
Assignment Ada:
| Location:
Cliff Village:
| Before the main village area you'll come to a bridge. Go past it and hop up two small ledges and you'll find the Herb in a crate. |
Cliff Village:
| Near the stairs and behind some sandbags in the village is where you'll find this Herb. |
Militant Cliffs:
| The Herb is in the chest where you found the Golden Lynx in the main game. |
Dissection Room:
| In the Room where the Regenerator before it busted out is where you'll find the Herb. |
Cell Hall:
| This Herb is found near the Third Plaga Sample in the area where Ashley was held prisoner. |
Small Save Room:
| This Herb is found in a small save room at the end of the hall leading to the Labs in the main game. |
| The final Herb is found in the main area of the Laboratory where there is an assortment of ammo and Herbs behind glass. |