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Assignment Ada
Shooting Range
Yellow Herbs

Chicago Typewriter

All I have to say about this thing is: Holy. Fucking. Shit. It's disturbingly powerful. For starters you can't upgrade it as it comes primed to go right out of the box. Next you'll notice that it does 10 damage for each shot and since it's a rapid shooter you quickly realize that this thing is like the TMp on steroids. Then once you're over that you notice that it has infinite ammo...then it all clicks into place that this gun is so powerful it makes small children cry at the very thought of it. Unfortunately it's jaw droppingly expensive.

Location: Price: Initial Power: Initial Capacity: Initial Reload Speed: Initial Firing Rate: Rating: Description:
Complete Assignment Ada 1,000,000 10.0 Infinite 1.63, but you don't have to reload...ever. (If you're using the PS2 version then three reloads makes Leon strike a pose.) .10 12/10 Ori(for those of you who don't frequent the chat thats me) loves this gun. The only downside to this thing is that it has slightly shorter aim. With this thing you can get rid of all your other guns except for your Rifle. Hell, you might not even need the Rifle but I don't suggest ditching it Pumping a Regenerator full of ammo and watching it explode is fun.

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