| ![]() The Gamecube ReviewI thought I saw Elvis back there. The Graphics Can you say 'obscenely detailed'? If not then you should learn how to say it because hawt DAMN did they go overboard with Four's graphics. The level of detail is incredible and there's no cutting corners when it comes to enemies. There are five or six different character models of the standard enemies and they rarely, if ever, appear at the same time. The environments are absolutely huge in some areas and most rooms don't look the same. The one downside of the graphics is that the lighting isn't as detailed as it could be and that damages the atmopshere of the game. Because of the lighting and a couple other aspects the graphics fail to give a true Resident Evil feel, which fits with the game only being a Resident Evil game in title and character. Graphics: 10 The Story The most damaging aspect of the storyline is that there is no Umbrella and the T and G-Virsuses only get a slight mention near the beginning. The game actually feels like it's trying to completely forget about Leon's past until Ada and Krauser come into the picture. By that point, though, the game has already established the fact that not only is this not a real Resident Evil game but that the plausibility of the events that occur is non-existant. The previous RE games had the whole "this COULD happen, but it likely never will." while Four has a feeling of "Jesus Louse Christ, I feel like I'm in a bad, B movie" at times. The only thing that saves the storyline of the game is incredible writing and the inclusion of at least some mention of Wesker's conspiracy. Story: 7.5 The Gameplay What really makes this game great is the gameplay. Whatever short comings that the graphics and storyline present, the gameplay shatters them. The controls are FINALLY easy to learn and the aiming system is intuitive and easy to control. Whether it's the execution of the action commands or doing battle with ten Ganados the controls are tight and responsive. The large variety of weapons makes for even more fun when mowing down Ganados and treasures strewn throughout the game make exploring fun as well. All in all it's a near perfect package. Gameplay: For control 10 for the game itself 10 Replay Value This game has oodles of replay value. With new weapons, and Ada-centric mission, new costumes, exclusive weapon upgrades, hidden treasures and the Mercenaries mini-game, Four kept me busy for a few weeks when I first picked it up and has kept me busy for the last month and a half since I started this subsite. Replay value galore. Replay Value: 10 Overall Grade: 10