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The Hand Cannon

The Hand Cannon is a reference to everybody's favorite RE sidekick, Barry. It's the most powerful weapon you can get your grubby little mitts on and it is free. If you don't count the 1,000,000 dollar cost to upgrade it to full power. It's a bitch to get but it's quite fun to use.

Location: Price: Initial Power: Initial Capacity: Initial Reload Speed: Initial Firing Rate: Rating: Description:
Get Five Stars with every character in every level on "The Mercenaries". 0...thats 30.0 3 3.67 1.17 10/10 Yeah, uh, overkill much? This thing is disgustingly powerful and as such is obscenely difficult to get your hands on. It gets an automatic perfect rating because the only weakness of this puppy is the usual limited aim of Magnums. Other then that it's the best gun ever.

Power Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Power:
1: N/A N/A 30.0
2: 40,000 Available upon purchase. 35.0
3: 50,000 Available upon purchase. 40.0
4: 70,000 Available upon purchase. 45.0
5: 90,000 Available upon purchase. 50.0
6: 120,000 Available upon purchase. 60.0

Firing Speed Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Speed:
1: N/A N/A 1.17

Reload Speed Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Speed:
1: N/A N/A 3.67
2: 25,000 Available upon purchase. 2.87
3: 50,000 Available upon purchase. 1.83

Capacity Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Capacity:
1: N/A N/A 15
2: 15,000 Available upon purchase. 4
3: 20,000 Available upon purchase. 5
4: 25,000 Available upon purchase. 6
5: 35,000 Available upon purchase. 8
6: 50,000 Available upon purchase. 10

Exclusive Upgrade
Cost: Location: Effect:
200,000 Available upon purchase. Ups the power of the gun to 99.0 and the capacity to infinite. Thus making it the god of all things death inflicting.

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