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The Matilda is gained upon completing the game. It's the "Samurai Edge" from the Remake and Claire's upgraded handgun in Code Veronica a well as the handgun upgrade in 2.

Location: Price: Initial Power: Initial Capacity: Initial Reload Speed: Initial Firing Rate: Rating: Description:
Beat the game, start a new game with the same file. 70,000 1.0 10 1.73 .47 7/10 I'm not a fan of the Matilda, just because I've never had a use for it. It shoots three bullets in rapid succession and thats about it.

Power Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Power:
1: N/A N/A 1.0
2: 15,000 Available upon purchase. 1.2
3: 17,000 Available upon purchase. 1.4
4: 20,000 Available upon purchase. 1.6
5: 25,000 Available upon purchase. 1.8
6: 35,000 Available upon purchase. 2.0

Firing Speed Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Speed:
1: N/A N/A .47

Reload Speed Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Speed:
1: N/A N/A 1.73
2: 6,000 Available upon purchase. 1.47
3: 15,000 Available upon purchase. .87

Capacity Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Capacity:
1: N/A N/A 15
2: 7,000 Available upon purchase. 18
3: 10,000 Available upon purchase. 21
4: 12,000 Available upon purchase. 24
5: 16,000 Available upon purchase. 27
6: 20,000 Available upon purchase. 30

Exclusive Upgrade
Cost: Location: Effect:
35,000 Available upon purchase. Ups the capacity of the gun to 100.

(c)2006 All materials are copyrighted by their respective authors. All games mentioned in this site are copyrighted by their respective producers and publishers. No infringement on any existing copyright is intended. All rights reserved.