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The Punisher is obtained for free by shooting 10/15 of the Blue Medallions hanging at the Farm and Church areas. It's weaker than the basic Handgun but it shoots through a target and hits whatever is behind it. Not very impressive.

Location: Price: Initial Power: Initial Capacity: Initial Reload Speed: Initial Firing Rate: Rating: Description:
Obtained from the first Merchant you see after shooting 10/15 of the blue medallions. Free for shooting 10/15 blue medallions or 20,000 .9 10 1.73 .47 2/10 The Punisher is an absolute piece of shit. Hell, I'm being NICE by giving it 2 'cause it should get zero. This worthless piece of shit has less power than the standard Handgun and is obtained around the same time as the Red9. Making it not only obsolete by the time you get it but its 'special function' pointless since .9 damage to two targets still wastes ammo.

Power Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Power:
1: N/A N/A .9
2: 10,000 Chapter 1-3 in the Merchant's shop at the pier under the El Gigante's arena. 1.1
3: 15,000 Chapter 2-2 in the tunnel before the Church. 1.3
4: 25,000 Chapter 3-1 at the Merchant in the area where you lose Ashley in the start of chapter 3-2. 1.5
5: 25,000 Chapter 4-1 at the Merchant after Ashley is kidnapped by the Novistadors. 1.7
6: 20,000 Chapter 4-3 in the large ruined area outside the Tower. 1.9

Firing Speed Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Speed:
1: N/A N/A .47
2: 5,000 Chapter 1-3 in the Merchant's shop at the pier under the El Gigante's arena. .40
3: 12,000 Chapter 3-1 at the Merchant in the area where you lose Ashley in the start of Chapter 3-2. .33

Reload Speed Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Speed:
1: N/A N/A 1.70
2: 4,000 Chapter 1-3 in the Merchant's shop at the pier under the El Gigante's arena. 1.47
3: 10,000 Chapter 3-1 at the Merchant in the area where you lose Ashley in the start of Chapter 3-2. .83

Capacity Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Capacity:
1: N/A N/A 10
2: 4,000 Chapter 1-3 in the Merchant's shop at the pier under the El Gigante's arena. 13
3: 6,000 Chapter 2-2 in the tunnel before the church. 16
4: 8,000 Chapter 3-1 at the Merchant in the area where you lose Ashley in the start of Chapter 3-2. 20
5: 10,000 Chapter 4-1 at the Merchant after Ashley is kidnapped by the Novistadors. 24
6: 12,000 Chapter 4-3 in the large ruined area outside the Tower. 28

Exclusive Upgrade
Cost: Location: Effect:
40,000 Chapter 4-4 at the Merchant after defeating Salazar. Blasts through five targets, doesn't make up for low power.

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