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Mmm...the Red9. Easily the best handgun, if not the best weapon, in the game. I say that it's the best weapon not because it's powerful, which it is for a handgun, but because it's the weapon with the most common ammo supply that will be useful for the longest time in the game.

Location: Price: Initial Power: Initial Capacity: Initial Reload Speed: Initial Firing Rate: Rating: Description:
Obtained in the tunnel before the church during chapter 2-2. 14,000 1.4 8 2.73 .53 10/10 The best of the handguns no if, ands or buts about it. Not only does the Red9 have high power but it also has fairly high capacity and the only Exclusive upgrade that for handguns that doesn't suck. Once you pick it up it'd be foolish to sell it off as it has the best all around stats and when it comes to stopping power the Red9 is capable of putting the standard enemies down in two or three shots for most of the game. The only downside is the shitty reload speed. But with the combination of the power and medium capacity they'll average the reload speed out.

Power Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Power:
1: N/A N/A 1.4
2: 15,000 Chapter 2-2 in the tunnel before the church. 1.7
3: 20,000 Chapter 3-1 at the entrance to the castle. 2.0
4: 24,000 Chapter 3-1 at the Merchant in the area where you lose Ashley in the start of chapter 3-2. 2.4
5: 28,000 Chapter 4-1 at the Merchant after Ashley is kidnapped by the Novistadors. 2.8
6: 45,000 Chapter 4-3 in the large ruined area outside the Tower. 3.5

Firing Speed Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Speed:
1: N/A N/A .53
2: 10,000 Chapter 2-2 in the tunnel before the church. .47
3: 15,000 Chapter 3-1 at the Merchant in the area where you lose Ashley in the start of Chapter 3-2. .40

Reload Speed Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Speed:
1: N/A N/A 2.37
2: 6,000 Chapter 2-2 in the tunnel before the church. 2.20
3: 10,000 Chapter 3-1 at the Merchant in the area where you lose Ashley in the start of Chapter 3-2. 1.67

Capacity Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Capacity:
1: N/A N/A 8
2: 6,000 Chapter 2-2 in the tunnel before the church. 10
3: 8,000 Chapter 3-1 at the entrance to the castle. 12
4: 12,000 Chapter 3-1 at the Merchant in the area where you lose Ashley in the start of Chapter 3-2. 15
5: 16,000 Chapter 4-1 at the Merchant after Ashley is kidnapped by the Novistadors. 18
6: 12,000 Chapter 4-4 at the final Merchant before facing Salazr. 22

Exclusive Upgrade
Cost: Location: Effect:
80,000 Chapter 4-4 at the Merchant after defeating Salazar. Ups the Red9's power to 5.0 making it as powerful as a basic shotgun.

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