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Shooting Range
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The Shotgun is a disappointment when compared to the previous incarnations of it in past Resident Evil games. While it is powerful and useful against groups of Ganados it quickly becomes to slow to use as it has no firing speed upgrades and short range.

Location: Price: Initial Power: Initial Capacity: Initial Reload Speed: Initial Firing Rate: Rating: Description:
A house in the village in chapter 1-1 or at the very first Merchant you see in 1-2. 20,000 4.0 6 3.03 1.53 7/10 Seeing as you can get the Shotgun for free it's going to be your best friend early in the game and up to the point you get the Striker. While it has poor range and slow shot, it's powerful and somewhat useful for the early and mid sections of the game.

Power Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Power:
1: N/A N/A 4.0
2: 15,000 Chapter 1-2 when you first encounter the Merchant. 4.5
3: 20,000 Chapter 2-1 in the hidden cave on Del Lago's lake. 5.0
4: 25,000 Chapter 3-1 at the entrance to the Castle. 6.0
5: 30,000 Chapter 4-1 in the small room near the entrance to the hall leading to the King and Queen Grails. 7.0
6: 45,000 Chapter 4-3 at the Merchant in the large, ruined section before the tower. 2.0

Firing Speed Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Speed:
1: N/A N/A 1.53

Reload Speed Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Speed:
1: N/A N/A 3.03
2: 7,000 Chapter 1-2 when you first encounter the Merchant. 2.43
3: 15,000 Chapter 3-1 at the entrance to the Castle. 1.50

Capacity Upgrades
Level: Cost: Location: Capacity:
1: N/A N/A 6
2: 8,000 Chapter 1-2 when you first encounter the Merchant. 8
3: 10,000 Chapter 2-1 in the hidden cave on Del Lago's lake. 10
4: 12,000 Chapter 3-1 at the entrance to the Castle. 12
5: 15,000 Chapter 4-1 in the small room near the entrance to the hall leading to the King and Queen Grails.. 15
6: 20,000 Chapter 4-3 at the Merchant in the large, ruined section before the tower.. 25

Exclusive Upgrade
Cost: Location: Effect:
90,000 Chapter 4-4 at the Merchant after defeating Salazar. The destructive range of the weapon is increased, giving it the same power when attacking a far away target as a close one. Within the aiming limits of the weapon, of course.

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