| ![]() Seperate Ways WalkthroughChapter 1: For Whom The Bell Tolls Village Move out to center of the village and do battle with the various Ganados that attack you. Once you’ve handled them head to the house across from the Shotgun House. Grapple up to the roof to get the Insignia Key. Drop down then use it on the locked building that leads to the tunnel to the church. Tunnel Make your way down into the tunnel. Upon taking a few steps in you’ll be ambushed by two Ganados from behind. Kill ‘em and continue until you reach the area where the Merchant would have been in the main game. You’ll be ambushed from both sides so fight ‘em off. Continue and exit the tunnel. Church Courtyard Ok, fight your way through the Ganados and take the path next to the Church as if you’re heading towards the swamp. At the end of the path are two Ganados and a Bella Sister. Kill them and collect the Green Catseye off the ground. Head back to the church and head around to the back. Solve the puzzle in the console and then take out the Round Insignia. Kill the Ganados that attack then place the Green Catseye into the console. Return to the front of the church and use the Insignia to unlock the front door. Church Head up the ladder on the left side. Then make your way around to the console that Leon used to unlock Ashley’s room in the main game. Flip the red thrice, the green once and the blue twice. Thus ends the chapter. Chapter 2: Plot holes anyone? Chief’s Mansion Ok, from here head towards the village. You’ll have to fight a Doc Salvadore on the path to the village so be careful. Village Fight your way to the Farm. Farm Head to the door to the Secondary Village Secondary Village Make your way down the path and into the tunnel to the Secondary Village. Clear the Ganados out of the area and house in the middle to see a scene. Now make your way back to the Chief’s Mansion Village Gates You’ll come to in the small tunnel after the lifts. Kill the Ganados them head to the Lift power room. Grab the Iron Key off the table then head to the Reeducation Shack. Unlock the door and enter. Reeducation Shack Make your way into the shack and kill off a group of Ganados and a Bella Sister to get the Lift Key. Head back to the lift power room. Village Gates Use the key on the console in the power room and then head on up using the lifts. Head for the exit to the right path. Right Path: Mine Same as with Leon but the Gigantes attacks at the entrance. Dodge him and enter the Cabin area to end the chapter. Chapter 3: Did you know? Ada’s a time traveler. Garden Maze Head around the corner and a group of Zealots will attack. Kill ‘em and make your way through the Maze killing off every Zealot you see. Then head towards the exit of the Maze and a group of Zealots will attack. Kill ‘em off and head through the now open door. Head towards the Fountain Area. Fountain Area Head to the locked door that you used Ashley to open in the main game. Grapple in and grab the Hourglass with Gold Decorations from the chest. Now, head to the Dining Hall by heading through the Garden Maze, into the Darkened Bed Chambers and through the door. Dining Hall Head into the area where the cage dropped in the main game. The cage will drop so you have to examine the chest and put the Hourglass with Gold Decorations into it. Now bust out of the cage and head to the next area. Gallery Room Fight your way across the bridge and through the door then down the hall and on into the next area. Trap Room Take a few steps forward to end the chapter. Chapter 4: Ada doesn’t follow orders. Now make her a sammitch, bitch. Wrecked Tunnel Fight your way down the tunnel until your path is blocked by wreckage. Duck into the door to the left and head through this room and out into the main tunnel again. Head away from the wreckage and grapple up onto a bridge. Head through the door at the end. Biggest Plot Hole Ever Area Yeah, so, apparently the Los Illuminados have naval ship…interesting how they have one of these…but most of their legions of troops fight with axes, scythes and their bare hands. Anyways, head down the path until you pass a gattling gun. Take not of it and continue down some stairs. The guns of the area will suddenly be active and Soldiers will attack. Kill ‘em all and then grab the Blue Key off of the crates in the area. Take it back to the gattling gun and use it to destroy all the enemy guns in the area. You’ll know you’ve done it as your gun will blow up when you have. Head back to the area where you got the key and head up the ladder. Take the lifts across and then fight to a ladder to the left. Go up it and then make your way along this area until you reach a point where you’re ambushed by a gattling gun that pops out of the ground. Step to the nearby piece of floor that sticks out and grapple up. Grab the Red Key then grapple across. Use it on the nearby cannon and take out the rest of the gun emplacements. With that done return to where you were ambushed by the gun and continue through the gate until you reach the door to the next area. Tunnel Area Head forward and left to reach a ladder. Drop down then head forward until you can drop down. Make your way to a bridge to the right of where you dropped down, grapple up then head left. Continue until you reach another bridge heading left, hop up then continue to the end of it. Drop down and then follow the path to the next area. Boiler Hall Head towards the area where you face Krauser in a knife fight in the main game. Krauser’s Platform Run forward to where the shiny on the floor is then grapple up. Use the action command to end the chapter. Chapter 5: Is it just me or does Saddler not sound like Saddler? Camp Head up the path until a Gattling Soldier attacks. Kill ‘em then continue until you reach a building that you become trapped in. Kill off all the soldiers until the door opens. Then exit, head up the stairs and use the flying fox to reach the switch to open the doors to continue. Head through the now open doors and they’ll close behind you. This area is the same as it was with Leon but Gattling Soldiers are now guarding the switches to unlock the door to the next area. So hit the switches and continue. Helicopter Ruins Continue to the next area. Ruins Drop down the hole and go through the door for a scene. Continue to the next area. Decrepit Prison Head down the hall to the next area. Base Take a few steps forward for a boss. Boss Fight: Krauser Same strategy as the fight against him with Leon. Just be careful as Ada dies quicker than Leon. Be sure to collect all the items in each of the three arenas before you take him out. A few Bowgun blasts to the face’ll finish him easily enough. Head to the right, use the Merchant and the Typewriter. Now grapple into the vent nearby for the final boss. Final Boss: Saddler Saddler is an easy win. Just keep moving and make sure you hit him in the face. Enough bullets to his torso will kill your ass dead as he can return them at you. Try to keep away from him as all of his attacks are mid ranged and do heavy damage. He’ll fall easily enough. Scaffolds Make your way along the scaffolds until you reach a grapple point. Use it then fight your way along these scaffolds until you reach another grapple point. Continue doing so until you reach a Rocket Launcher to end the game.