| ![]() The VillageThe Village is a larger version of the Village at the start of the main game. It's technically the same size but a few of the locked buildings are open now. Your best shot is to make your way around the level and collect all of the Time Addition items to increase the time you have to rack up points. Once you've done that find a place to hole up for the majority of the time. Ensure it's a building or area where you can see all the entrances by looking forward. Also make sure you have an easily accessed exit point for when the Bella Sisters appear with Chainsaws at the ready. You're going to want to be careful with how you deal with the sisters because when you kill one you'll then have to deal with two. And after you've killed a set or so of two then you'll have to deal with three. And after a few sets of three you'll be on to four. The only way to remain safe is to kill as few as possible, which is hard since they're worth hefty points and drop either Grenades or F. Aid Sprays. Leon: Leon is very poorly equipped for the Village. He has no weapons that are good against large groups, his Riot Gun is good against small groups of four or five. Yet when you're beset by fifteen or so Ganados plus a Bella Sister or two you're in trouble. Your best bet with Leon is to retreat to the second floor to the house where you got the Shotgun in the main game. As enemies try to break in through the windows you can easily knock them down and lob Grenades from above. Eventually, though, you'll want to jump out and collect the goodies they left. Try to time it so the majority of the Ganados are halfway up the ladder or already in the room. That way you'll be safe to collect the goodies. Once you've reached the 60,000 points required for five stars make your way to the tower next to the house leading to the church. Climb up the tower and stay there until you run out of time. Ada: Ada is a good match for the Village. Her SA Rifle gives her good power from a distance and she's somewhat faster than the other characters so she can escape from groups easily. Like before ensure you collect as many of the goodies as you can to keep yourself from finding yourself unarmed and near death. There are two useful strategies with Ada. The first is the same as Leon's strategy. Hole yourself up in the second floor of the shotgun house and kill enemies as they come up the ladder and in through the window. As well as collecting goodies by jumping out the window every once in a while. The second strategy is only for players who know when to retreat. Hole yourself up in the round area next to the tower and the house leading to the church. No Ganados can get behind you and you've got a good view so you can see any Bella Sisters on their way. I warn you, however, since you can kill them easily before they reach you that this strategy will often result in four of the Sisters chasing you down. Once you've racked up enough points for five stars, retreat to the tower and wait there. Krauser: Krauser has absolutely nothing to worry about. Ever. He can take a lot of hits and his main weapon can take out Ganados in a single shot and Bella Sisters in one or two. Not to mention when you're in a pickle just activate the arm and everything within reach of the arm dies. Basically the shotgun house strategy can be used but if you think about it, Krauser doesn't really need too much strategy. Just ensure you've got a high enough supply of arrows and try to ensure that your arm is powered up before you do anthing stupid like running out and taking on a massive group of Ganados. Krauser's kicks are also fairly wide ranged so they're somewhat useful. You don't really need to hole yourself up once you've reached the right amount of points 'cause dieing as Krauser is really hard to do. Although you still have to be careful. Hunk: Hunk is probably the worst character for the Village. With only the neckbreaker and TMP Custom to fight with you'll have to ensure you're never backed into a corner. The shotgun house strategy isn't as useful with him because he has no weapons that are powerful enough with single shots to really damage the Ganados before the fall. The basic strategy I've found that is the only one that works with Hunk is to keep moving. Never stay in one place for more than you have to and make sure you know every corner of the village. The TMP is powerful enough to kill the Sisters but you'll definitely be low on ammo so be careful. Also ensure you hole yourself up somewhere after you get enough points as you'll be dead if you don't. Wesker: Wesker is a combination of Ada and Krauser. While he can't decimate entire groups of enemies with one fell swoop, he can kill them easily with his weaponry and special attacks. Being a 'carrier' of what some think of as an experimental, early form of the G-Virus, Wesker can take a lot of hits and dish out a lot. Because of this he's able to take almost five or more hits and his counters almost always kill the enemy attacking him. That being said he has no shotgun weapons so it's best to hole him up somewhere and follow Leon's basic shotgun house strategy. Kill lots of baddies then collect the goodies. Rinse, repeat, Killer7 the Sisters to death. Shouldn't be too hard to get five stars.