| ![]() WalkthroughChapter 1-1: Roasted Spaniard anyone? Path to Village Ok, once you’re in control after the opening sequence wander down the path until you reach a house then enter it. House Approach the villager inside it for a scene. Once the scene is over and the villager is done jabbering at you in Spanish put a bullet in his head then head upstairs. Grab the Handgun Ammo them jump out the window. Path to Village Take out the Ganados, that’s the name of the evil, daemonic villagers. Then use your knife on the nearby barrels on the cart for an item. *Note, from here on I won’t be telling you to blow up every single barrel and box because it’d take to long and I don’t have the fucking patience to tell you about every single sodding random treasure you can pick up.* Once you’ve taken care of that head down the path until you reach a rather creepy sign. Nearby it, hidden in the brush, is a Red Herb. Grab it and continue. Beware the dynamite strapped to trees and connected via a string. These’ll do heavy damage so either avoid them all together or shoot the dynamite from afar. Continue but beware hidden bear traps on the ground near the trees. You’ll stumble across a wolf stuck in a bear trap, free it.Continue, killing the Ganados on the path, and then enter the next hut you see. Raid the place for goodies and take notice of the rather gorey scene pitchforked to the wall…mmm…tasty…err uh…wrong game. Anyways, continue along, raiding huts and saving at the Typewriter that you’ll eventually reach. Once you reach a bridge, kill the Ganados that are guarding it and enter the large doors at the other side. Village Ok, walk forward and you’ll get the “Look” action command. Use it and you’ll see a rather disturbing site, guess that tells you what happened to our cowardly Spanish friends from the opening sequence. Anyways, there’s nothing you can do to avoid combat so you might as well hole yourself up in a corner somewhere and either wait until some dumb sod stumbles across you or shoot one in the face and run like you stole something. There are three rules to combat, two that apply to the game as a whole and one that applies to only this battle. The first is that you should conserve your ammo ‘cause you never know when you’ll end up in a battle that requires copious amounts of it. Secondly you should always watch for items enemies drop upon death. The money, ammo or healing items will be very, very helpful. Finally, during this fight do NOT. I REPEAT. DO NOT enter any buildings as one of them leads to you being pinned down by dozens of Ganados and some goddamned Chainsaw men. While you may think “Derrh…Chainsaw men gives dem goods trezur!!!” you’re mistaken. Said Chainsaw men can kill you in one fell swoop. Anyways, fend off the villagers until a scene occurs. You’re now all alone in the village. Raid the area for ammo and goodies and then enter the buildings for more. Near the path to the next area, you’ll be able to tell because its marked with a big red dot on the map, is a building. Enter it and head up to the second floor for a free Shotgun. Grab it then head down the path to the next area. Farm Ok, the first thing you’ll notice is a tree with an odd blue paper on it. Check it to learn of a special challenge. Once that’s done, its time to raid the area for goodies while tangling with villagers. There’s a Typewriter in the small hut near the door and some goodies past the barn. Shoot the cows for fun…just beware they kick. Once you’re done killing villagers, picking on cows and chickens and picking up swag head into the large building in the middle of the area. Once inside you’ll have to tangle with a Ganados or two. Once they’re piles of goo on the floor raid the first floor for treasure. Then head up the ladder and continue raiding for goodies. Shoot any of the Blue Medallions mentioned in the file you picked off the tree then hop out the window onto a board walk. Hop down the side to the door near the red dot on the map. Cave Paths Oooh, its the evil sign again. Head down the path and a group of Ganados will roll a rather large boulder at you. Use the action commands shown, for the stupid (such as myself) when the action command shows L+R that’s both at the same time, to dodge the boulder. Once that’s done head down the path and through the cave until you come out in a small village. Secondary Village Near the entrance to the village area is a hut with goodies. Beware the dynamite inside, though. Be cautious as there’s a small contingent of Ganados in a building in the center of the area that lob dynamite at you. Go around it and kill the Ganados guarding the window. Jump in, kill the Ganados then raid the area for goodies. Once that’s over and done with, leave the building and head for the larger building in the corner of this area. Be careful of the traps and continue into the building. Make your way through it until you reach a dead end room. Shoot out the dynamite and push the bookshelf on the wall to reveal a door. Inside this area is a cabinet making noise. Open it to end the first chapter. Chapter 1-2: I wonder where that fish did go. A fish, a fish a fishi-o. The Valley After the scenes you’ll have to use an action command. Do so and you’ll be treated to another scene with our Spanish buddy, Luis. Isn’t it interesting how an ex-cop saw a sample of the T-Virus back at the station? Either cops are really fragging evil in Resident Evil land or he’s full of it. Anywho, raid the room and then head out of it. In the next room you’ll see a funnily clad man that beckons to you through a window. Save at the Typewriter then leave the building. Head down the side of the building you saw the oddly dressed man and you’ll learn he’s the Merchant. He’s got lots of GOOD things on sale, Stranger. Pick up the Rifle and upgrade some stuff if you’ve got the cash. The head back to the front of the house. Open the gate and snipe out a few Ganados in the area. Once they’re pushing up daisies you’ll be attacked a few times by waves of Ganados. Take them out then continue down the path and up the sloped path near the bridge. Kill the Ganados that get in your way and continue until you reach a treasure chest. Open it for an Emblem Piece. Head back down and cross the bridge to a building. Enter it and fight your way through it until you reach a room with a ladder in it. Head up the ladder. Take out the Ganados and open the treasure chest for the second Emblem Piece. Now head back down to the boardwalk and head to the door at the far end of the area. If you’d like take out the Ganados in the area and raid the hut for goodies. Combine the Emblem Pieces then use them on the door. Village Bunker Bunker? No, not Archie. I call it this because its pretty much a small, enclosed space with lots of baddies and traps. Anyways, I’m not going to be specific since this is an action game and not a typical Resident Evil game. Fight your way through the various rooms until you reach a room with large dumpsters. You’ll have a bit of a shoot out in here, except you’ll be shooting and the enemies will be throwing explosives and knives. Once that’s done with, head through the room and beware the traps. Head through the door and through the next room. After a while you’ll head down some steps and have to fight your way to a set of ladders. One leads down into the drainage for the village and the possibility for plentiful fishies to pick up and the other leads to the next area. The Chief’s Mansion Raid the area for goodies then head down the path. Beware the traps and enter the large house. Examine the door and you’ll be confronted with a puzzle. Turn the globe up and then left to solve it and continue through the door. Raid the area for goodies and check the fancy box for the Insignia Key. Head to the next area for a scene and the end of the chapter. Chapter 1-3: That red dress is awfully pink. The Chief’s Mansion For another scene, return to the previous room. Once that is over and done with, head down the stairs and raid the room for goodies. Save if you’d like as you’re about to encounter another Chainsaw man. If you’d like to fight him then snipe him out from afar with the rifle and lob any grenades at him if you have them. This’ll net you a Ruby which is worth a fair amount of cash, but I don’t recommend tangling with him because you’re likely to die a lot. So just run by and through this area to the next. Village Nothing new here as of yet so head to the building near the tower that has a large, metal door with the Illuminados insignia on it. Use the Insignia Key and head on through. Tunnel You’ll be in a small room, raid it for goodies and then head through the door, take note of the hanging lamp as it has goodies if you shoot it down. Beware, though, as it makes with the exploding pain. Once you’re ready continue down the ladder and through the tunnel. Shoot the lamps to reveal shiny goodies in the ceiling. Further down the tunnel you’ll encounter another Merchant. Buy what you want, sell what you want and then continue through the door and up the ladder to the next area. Church Courtyard Head up the path to the right of the graves until you reach the Church. Kill the Ganados and check the door to reveal that it’s locked. Head down the path next to the door taking out Blue Medallions and Ganados along the way. Raid the small hut and then continue down the path to the next area. Gated Mine Hmm, this place seems rather sinister doesn’t it? Raid the area for goodies and continue on to the next area. Swamp Beware of the dynamite traps in this area. Continue down the boardwalk until you reach the end. Take out the Ganados that attack then hop into the water and make your way over to the other boardwalk and continue to the next area. Del Lago’s Lake Head down the path, past the other path to the right for a scene. Then head back to the fork in the road and take the other path. Check the huts for goodies then save. Hop into the boat at the dock and head on out to the center of the lake for the first boss. Boss Fight #1: Del Lago This boss is chock full of annoying action commands so be ready to tap. Your boat is attached to the bugger and your guns are unavailable so you’re stuck with harpoons. When you’re being dragged behind him throw as many as you can into his hide. You’ll know that you hit due to the large splurts of blood. Eventually he’ll knock your boat into the water, causing you to have to tap the action button (Notice I said action button so it’ll apply to the future release of the PS2 version…damn Capcom) to return to the boat. Afterwards you’ll either start tailing him again or you’ll be automatically put into the harpoon mode and arrows will tell you where he’ll be coming from. Just repeat the methods and keep your health up with herbs and he’ll fall rather quickly. Use the action command to escape the rope and then you’ll head to the dock and the chapter is over. Chapter 2-1: Someone needs to stop giving steroids to trolls... Lake Path Raid the house you come to in and then leave it. Head down the path heading away from the Lake and head to the next area. Waterfall Path As soon as you enter you’ll encounter a bit of a mini-boss. Its not worth going into detail about because in about half an hour these buggers will be popping out of exploded Ganados heads left, right and center. And, no, contrary to popular belief blowing a Ganados head off doesn’t increase the odds of a Plagas popping out. If a Plagas is going to pop out of an enemy then there’s little you can do to stop it as I’ve shot a Ganados square in the ass and had a Plagas burst out. Anywho, if you’ve got any Flash Grenades that’ll take it out in a single shot. If not just pump ammo into the creature’s head then continue. Cross the river in a few places and you’ll reach a rope hanging from a frame. Use it and you’ll head on down to the next area. Waterfall The falls are a large and somewhat complex area with a simple solution. Run to the end of the platform you’re on and then look above for a crate suspended on a chain. Shoot said chain and the crate’ll fall into position. Cross the water and then look for a crate suspended in the air on the center platform. Cross and then head up the ladder and flip the switch. Head back to the center to the newly opened waterfall passage and you’ll be ambushed by Ganados. Beware Plagas bursts and battle your way through them into the waterfall passage. Make your way down the passage until you reach a dead end. Grab the Round Insignia and a path to a new area will open. Docks Hop on the boat. Merchant Docks There’s a Merchant nearby so invest in what you want to and then save. Climb the ladders and exit the area. Gated Mine If you paid attention said gate was making snorting noises before. Well, said snorting noises are from a large, mutated Plagas host called an “El Gigante”. Head into the center area for the boss fight. Boss Fight #2: El Gigante The Gigante is a large, lumbering, troll like creature. His punches are easily dodged but you should stay the hell away from his feet as his kicks and stomps are more of a hassle to dodge. Just keep moving and use the action commands when prompted. If he grabs you use the control stick to not only escape but slightly damage him. Don’t take the word damage to heart as for the 1% of damage you do to him you get about 25% of your life lost if you’re slow. While nobody likes the TMP it’s the best weapon to use against this beast. Pump as much ammo into him as you can and he’ll eventually keel over and a giant Plagas will burst out of his back. Pump ammo into it until a scene occurs. The wolf you saved at the beginning has arrived to lend a hand. While the wolf keels Gigante distracted you can pump ammo into him. Just keep pumping ammo into the Plagas when it bursts out and it’ll die rather easily. Also, if you want to save the ammo you can jump on the beasts back via the action command. Once Gigante is down take his treasure, then raid the area for goodies. Now return to the church. Church Courtyard You’ll encounter some Plagas Wolves in here so if you see one near the church doors shoot it because its not your buddy from the Gigante fight. Anywho, use the Round Insignia on the door to unlock it. Church You’re in the church, obviously. Head up the right side of the room to find a ladder up to the second floor. One up you’ll see a chandelier. Use the action command on the chandelier to cross. You’ll see a console, examine it for a puzzle. Turn the red twice, the green three times and the blue once then combine to solve it. Go through the now open gate and into the door to collect the President’s Daughter. *Note, Ashley will follow you for large portions of the game after this point. Unlike partners in previous games in the series she is very, very easily killed. At her base health as little as two hits from an enemy will kill her and one shot from you will do her in. You’ll duck when in range of your guns but be careful with the shotguns as sometimes she doesn’t duck enough. Also she’ll be kidnapped by enemies if you don’t keep an eye on her. Once the enemy reaches the exit its game over, pal. Thankfully, though, one shot will make an enemy drop her. NEVER leave her behind unless I tell you to or if you’re 100% sure she won’t get kidnapped. Even if you’re that sure don’t do it as you’re most likely wrong. Finally, Ashley is a bit of an annoyance because of Leon’s rough and tumble nature. While she’s following you, you’ll need to catch her when you jump off ledges or down ladders. She’ll call you if you leave her behind. Don’t leave her behind ‘cause her voice is like vocal rape. No offense meant to her voice actor but DAMN her voice pisses me off.* Anyways, once you’re back in control you should definitely raid the room for goodies then return to the main area of the Church. The chapter will end at this point and the first major event in the game is over. Chapter 2-2: House party! Side Room Leave the room. Church Courtyard Head back to the entrance to the path to the village. You’ll be presented with a large amount of Ganados so listen to your newly acquired side-kick and shoot the barrels on the nearby cart. That’ll take care of just about all of them and give you lots of goodies. Once that is over and done with, head to the village. Village New enemies are present and many of them are Plagas bursters, henceforth referred to as Bursters, so make your way quickly to the farm. Keep an eye on Ashley as the villagers tend to attack from behind. Farm I suggest that you snipe the enemies on the board walk before you start towards the center building. Fight your way into the center building then up the ladder. Hop out onto the boardwalk and head to the ledge near the windmill. Hop down and grab Ashley, if you’re a pervert take a gander up her skirt, if you’re not then beware bear traps. Shoot ‘em out of the way and then head to the gate. Send Ashley over and you’ll continue to the next area. Cabin and Gates Head forward to encounter a Merchant. Pick up the Red9 and prepare yourself for a HUGE battle with the proper upgrades. If you’re in possession of multiple handguns then get rid of all of them but the Red9. Afterwards cross the bridge and you’ll be treated to a scene. Cabin Ok, you’re trapped in a cabin completely surrounded by Ganados. Hopefully you’ve stockpiled ammo, grenades and healing items. Anyways, right off the bat, push the shelves near the windows in front to block them off. Eventually the Ganados will break through so be prepared. Luis will give you a hand and also toss you an item or two. As the Ganados crawl in through the windows, take them out with a shotgun blast so you can hit multiple targets. Don’t worry about picking up items dropped by enemies as it’ll just get you killed. Be wary of Bursters, keep a Flash Grenade or two handy. Eventually you’ll retreat to the second floor. For the first few moments watch the stairs and then go back to watching the windows. Push the ladders off as the Ganados raise them to keep them out of the building. Eventually you’ll have killed enough to have satisfied the stupid, stupid game and that’ll be the end of the chapter. Chapter 2-3: It’s all in the eye of the beholder. Cabin and Gates Raid the cabin for goodies then the surrounding area. There are two routes to take, one involves massive combat and obscene wastes of ammo and the other involves running for your ass from a rather large Gigante. We’ll start with the left path, so activate the switch. Left Path: Campv The Camp is a large area with dumpsters to hide Ashley in and copious amounts of boardwalks and ladders to duke it out with Ganados on. Anywho, upon entry a few Ganados will attack. Fend them off then hide Ashley in the dumpster nearby. Now make your way down the path and up the ladder at the end. Kill the Ganados in the surrounding area and then make your way along the boardwalk until you reach a round pit with multiple ladders leading in to it. Hop down and you’ll be ambushed by about ten Ganados and two Bella Sisters. The Bella Sisters are Chainsaw women so break out the big guns. Once you’ve fended them off pick up the key one of them dropped and use it on the door in the pit. Walk down the path and you’ll have to contend with a large number of Ganados that run towards you. Grenades and carefully placed shots from the Red9 will take them out. Do NOT waste any other ammo ‘cause there’s a boss coming up. Anywho, once they’re done go collect Ashley and head on to the next area. Now we’ll cover the right path. Right Path: Mine Right off the bat you’ll think “Hey, this is nice and peaceful. Sweet ass.” Then you’ll take a few steps forward and out wanders a Gigante. Do NOT fight him, no matter what. It’s a waste of ammo and not worth the effort. Just run past him with Ashley in tow. Shoot the chains off the door and you’ll come out in an area with a few small cabins. Duck into the second one to grab a key. Then continue running and blasting through doors until you reach a locked one. Use the key and continue. Village Gates There’s a Merchant in this area as well as a small house with some goodies and a typewriter. Once you’re done head up the hill if you entered from the right path and if you entered from the left you’ll be across from the gate. Check the gate to learn you need a retinal pattern so head down the path to the left of the gate. Head up the stairs and you’ll be in a gondola station. Break out the rifle and check the area down the gondola route for two or so Ganados that you can hit. Now hop on the gondola and use the rifle to take out Ganados as they get onto the gondola at the bottom. Once you’re at the bottom check the nearby building for goodies then head down the stairs until you reach a Merchant and a typewriter. Save and prepare for a boss battle. Head to the next area. Re-education Shack Nice name, eh? Anywho, head into the shack for a boss fight. Boss Fight #3: Mendez FINALLY, we get to slag this bastard. Right off the bat you’ll have to use action commands to dodge instant death. After that whip out the TMP and pump as much ammo into him as you can until he’s too close to you. When he is too close you should run by and start pumping ammo into him as you’re able. Repeat until his torso breaks off from his legs and he starts swinging around. Keep yourself as far away from his as possible since he’s now very hard to hit and very agile. The rifle or TMP are best here as the rifle can knock him to the floor but it is very difficult to aim. Oh, the shotgun is a good choice due to the spread shot but it is very hard to get a shot for full damage. And Flash Grenades will knock him down as long as he’s on the bottom side of the rafters. Keep your health up and keep moving and you’ll finish him easily enough. After he’s down grab his remains for the Glass Eye. Now return to the Village Gates. Village Gates Use they eye on the gate. Drawbridge As you walk forward a truck will come barreling at you. Break out the rifle and shoot the driver. Now run your but to the end of the path, ignoring the Ganados following you to end the chapter and the first part of the game. Chapter 3-1: An undead Spanish midget…makes the game worthwhile. Castle Entrance You’re now in a castle, fun eh? Hardly residential but that’s a technicality. Anyways a small hut with a typewriter and a merchant is nearby so I suggest you czech him out as he has all new weaponry. My suggestion would be to sell off all of your handguns, save for the Red9, get rid of the rifle and any treasures you’ve gotten your hands on. Purchase the Riot Gun and Semi-Auto Rifle for weapons. And make sure you pick up any other goodies that appeal to you. There’s a treasure chest behind the building with 5,000 Pesetas in it. Oh, and don’t buy the Broken Butterfly, we’ll be getting it free later. Anyways, head up the stairs and through the door to the next area. Castle Gates From this point on there are no more Ganados, until I say so, there are now various higher ranked members of the Illuminados Cult called Zealots and Cultists. For ease I’ll just use Zealots. Head down the path and you’ll be treated to a shot of the area. Grab the Rifle Ammo off the boxes and break out the rifle. Snipe out the two Zealots near the ledge and then head up the stairs. A scene’ll occur at the top and you’ll now be dodging flaming catapult fire. Heh, unintentional puns. Anyways, make your way down the stairs to the left to grab some treasure and find a canon. Now return to the intersection and take the stairs heading up. Beware the catapult fire and cross the bridge to a small hut. From here take care of the Zealots on the area and then head up the nearby stairs so you’ve got a vantage point to snipe the four catapults. Once that’s done operate the crank in this area and the canon will rise. Use it and the gates blocking your path will be destroyed. Go back to them and continue past a Merchant to the next area. Sword Plaque Room In this room are two decorative sword plaques that you’ll need to examine. The one on the lower floor holds a Platinum Sword and one up the stairs that holds a Gold Sword. Take the Platinum one then fight your way up the stairs and switch it with the Gold one. Take the Gold one downstairs and fight your way to the plaque and place it on it. Now the way to the next area is open so continue. Entry Way After a scene head through the door across from the one you entered through. Kill the Ganados in the area then make your way to a room after the first one you pass. Grab the Gate Key and you’ll be ambushed. Shoot the Red Barrel and it’ll explode, killing most of the Zealots. Now head back to the main section and use the Gate Key on the large red doors. Main Hall After a scene you’ll walk forward and be blocked by a stone mural. Use the typewriter then head to the right door. Prison Hall Check the Saddler painting on the wall to reveal a stack of 5,000 Pesetas. Now, head down the hall into a smaller room with a file on the wall. Head left and then right into a smaller hall to a painting. Grab the Prison Key in the painting and return to the hall with the painting. There’s a second hall near the door here with a prison. Use the Prison Key on the door and leave Ashley on the steps. Take note of the bells and make your way to the cell with the large, chained man in it. As you approach it you’ll notice the switch next to the man. As you move to flip it, you’ll be attacked by the clawed freak. Boss Fight #4: Garrador Garrador is a bit of a challenge if you don’t know what you’re doing or end up pinned in a corner. As you may have noticed in the scene that introduced our big, clawed buddy…his eyes are sewn shut. So he’s blind, so as long as you’re silent he can’t hear you. Don’t run ‘cause he can hear the footsteps and don’t stay near him as when he’s confused he swings his claws wildly. Shoot a bell and he’ll attack it, getting his claws stuck in the wall. Use this opportunity to blast his back with your strongest weapon. The rifles work well. There’re only two bells so don’t waste them as the only other way to get him to get stuck in the wall is to shoot him while you’re near the wall and he’ll come running. He’ll die easily enough. Once he’s down flip the switch and head collect Ashley. Go back to the hall where you got the key, the fires are no longer blocking your way. Fight off the Zealots and head through the door at the end of the hall. Crank Hall This area is annoying. First off fight the Zealots off until they stop coming. Then go down the stairs at the end of the hall and into a small room. Put Ashley on one yellow platform and Leon on the other. Now fight your way through the masses of enemies that have appeared because of what you just did to a crank that has now been revealed in the main area. Have Ashley work it then protect her while she is. Stairs will be revealed. Go up them and Ashley will point out two cranks up above. Give her a boost and she’ll go to use them. You’ll have to protect her and yourself so break out the rifle and shoot the Zealots before they reach her. The Riot Gun works wonders on the enemies that attack you. Once both are activated a path will be revealed so head on to the next area. Ritual Hall Run down the hall to the very end to complete this chapter. Chapter 3-2: Knifes are teh grate in teh close ranj Ritual Hall Well, now that little Miss Never Shuts The Hell Up is gone for now…head back down the hall. There’s a Merchant, Typewriter and a Shooting Range. Ooh, fun. Anyways, once that is done head through the door closest to where you lost Ashley. Sewers Make your way down into the sewers and beware some baddies called “Novistadors” they’re basically cloaked insects. Watch for disturbances in the area to find out where they are and also watch for glowing eyes. Anyways, eventually you’ll come out in an area full of prison cells. Prison Check the prison area for goodies and be careful of the Novistadors that drop from the ceiling. Once you’re done head down the hall near the edge of the prison area. You’ll turn a corner and be blocked so enter the nearby door and go around. There’re more Novistadors so be careful. Enter a door across the hall for a control room. Use the valve you see and return to the main prison area. The pool in here would have drained so head down into it and through the door. Sewers Continue through the area until you reach a room with swinging pendulum blades. Time your movements to avoid being hit and cross. Keep going and you’ll reach the upper area of the Ritual Hall. Ritual Hall You’ll notice a strange ceremony going on below. All the baddies are carrying goodies so launch some grenades down at them and ENSURE you take out the head baddy, he’s wearing a goat skull on his head, as you’ll get a very good treasure. Flip the nearby switch and the way forward will be opened. Drop down to collect your goodies and then head up the stairs to the next area. Gallery The Gallery sucks. Head through the first part and then into the main area and you’ll be accosted by a lot of Zealots. Beware the cross bow Zealots and ensure you take out all of the enemies. Before you head forward whip out the rifle and target a goat skull Zealot that is across from your entry point. You’ll be chasing the bugger around the area and you’ll want to kill him before he brings out a sodding gattling gun. If he does hide behind a wall and when he stops to reload pump some ammo into him. Once he’s down he’ll leave behind a Gallery Key. Grab it and head up to where he first stood and unlock the door. I hate this puzzle so very, very much. You have to make the paintings total six so flip them in this order: Flip the first, third, second and fourth paintings to solve it. Head through the door that is revealed. Second Gallery FUCK is all I have to say. You’ll have to fight your way through ANOTHER large amount of enemies. Once you’ve taken out most of them, more will come. Make your way to the second floor…and after you’ve killed the rest of the Zealots you’ll have to contend with some with rocket launchers. Don’t worry, as once they’ve got shitty aim and die once they’ve fired. There’s a room on the left wall so duck into it. Smash the pot to find a button, now leave the room and go to the barred door to the next area. Flip the switch near it and return to the button. Press it and a platform will be revealed to the treasure in the middle of the area. More launcher Zealots so wait until they’ve fired then leave the room. Kill the Zealots guarding the treasure chest then open it for the Goat Ornament. Continue on to the next area. Fountain Area Make your way out of this area out into a courtyard with a fountain. Raid the fountain for goodies and take note of the door with a window above it. Come back here when you’ve picked up Ashley for a FREE Broken Butterfly. Now continue to the next area. Garden Maze Fucking undead, Spanish, midget. Anyways, head into the garden via the stairs. Take note of the door you pass. Open the double gate and be careful of wolves. Head left, left, right, through a gate, left, left, over a bridge to a fountain to get a piece of a moonstone. Head back to the area before the bridge, near the wolves in the cage, and head the other way. Now go past the first right, take the second, left, right, over a bridge and to a fountain. Grab the other half of the moonstone and head back to the entrance of the maze. Head to the door you took note of, combine the moonstones and enter the door to end the chapter. Chapter 3-3: Trapped in a cage with a Vanna White Darkened Bed Chambers Raid the area for goodies and take note of the room with the Merchant. Once that is done head through the door to the next area. Dining Hall Head down the hall and past the tables. You’ll notice a gated doorway and a set of halls. Head down the one with the shelf and a bell. Hit the bell and then take out the rifle and shoot the bottle of wine in the painting that appears. Now, prepare for the fight of your life. The gated doorway is now open so walk into the room. Walking into the room will drop a cage on your head. Grab the treasure from the chest then kill the Zealots as they attack. A Garrador will drop down so break out your Riot Gun and blast the locks on the gates until they fall off. Or you can stay and fight for the spoils, but I still suggest you break out so you have enough room to fight. Once that’s done head to the next area. Gallery Room Ok, snipe the Zealots on the floor below then hop down and flip the switch they were guarding. Kill the enemies that entered after the switch was flipped and then cross the bridge. Once that’s done head down the stairs to the left, kill the Zealots nearby and across the area and then take a gander at the large, glass case in the area. Bust it open for various goodies including a Rocket Launcher. Fun, fun. Now, head to the next room for a Merchant. Once you’re finished with him enter the nearby door to end the chapter. Chapter 3-4: As tempting as it may be to shoot her…she’s armed with “ballistics”. Trap Room After a rather gruesome scene you’ll notice that you can hear Ashley screaming. She’s on the floor below and is strapped to a wall. So run down to the platform suspended in the middle of the pit, whip out the rifle and shoot her restraints off. She’ll scream every time…damn coward. Once she’s free she’ll try to escape, only to learn she’s locked in. Yessir, locks. The foil to any plan in Resident Evil… that and undead dogs hanging out at the front door. Anyways, Zealots will enter the room in small groups so take them out with the rifle until one of them drops a shiney. It’s the key, Ashley will grab it and you’ll fight a few more Zealots off so she can make a break for the door. Once she does you’ll be in control of her. Butler’s Residence This area would appear to be the butler’s residence…hasn’t been use in a while and is a bit of a maze. Anywho, raid the area for goodies then head down the hall and out into a large room. The room is gated at the end and there’s a Zealot wandering about it. Take a look around the area and you’ll see a few lanterns sitting on tables, these are your only defense against the Zealots and about three will kill him. If you’ve used all of them and he’s still alive you’re gonna have to crawl under tables and run whenever he gets near you. There’s a crank near the door so make use of it to open the gate. Head through the gate and you’ll be presented with a similar puzzle. Use the lanterns to kill the Zealot then use both the cranks on either side of the gate to unlock the path. Now head down the hall and past the first door. Head through the door at the end of the hall and you’ll come out in a rather confusing room. Gate Room First off, there’s a book case on the wall opposite the gates. Push it to reveal a switch, don’t touch the switch yet. Now, crawl under the table near the door and flip the switch here. Go through the gate, and flip the switch in here. Grab the Stone Tablet off the fireplace and head through the gate the second switch opened. Now flip the switch that was behind the book case and the gates to the next part of the area will open. Head on through the door, past the rows of armor until you reach a room with for armors and a tile puzzle in the middle of the room. This puzzle is a total bitch and I won’t be explaining how to solve it since A) I hate it. B) It’s hard to explain. And C) I’m a total asshole. A bit of advice, though, is that you should try to figure out which tiles go with the others, as they all work in pairs, and that’ll help slide things into place. Once that’s done put the Stone Tablet into the puzzle and a door will open. Go through, grab the Salazar Family Insignia and the Serpent Ornament and get ready to run. The armor in the previous room JUST so happened to have Plagas in them. They’re a bitch to fight with Leon and since Ashley is armed only with her ‘ballistics’, RUN! Head back to the main area of the gate room and on the way you’ll have to dodge a couple traps. Head back into the Butler’s Residence. Butler’s Residence Remember that room I told you to pass earlier? Enter it now. Art Room Raid the area for goodies then use the Insignia on the odd, round device at the end of the room. Examine it then the way to the next room will open. Peaceful Hallway Head up the ladder and nearby are some treasures. Head down the hall until you reach a door and you’ll reunite with Leon and end the chapter. Chapter 4-1: It’s getting hot in here… Trap Room Ok, it’s time to backtrack. Remember the area I said to return to once you retrieved Ashley? Well it’s time to do that. Fountain Area Ok, head to the door near the fountain. Examine it then give Ashley a boost to get in. You’ll get a FREE Broken Butterfly, the best normal weapon in the game, and some treasure. Now return to the Trap Room. Trap Room Head on to the next area. Roller-Vator Room Odd name, yes. But I had nothing else to call it. Anyways, head on to the odd platform…thingy…to head to the next area. Ashley is left behind so no worries. Lava Chamber Yessir, we’re above ground…yet there’s molten lava. Does this game make sense or WHAT? Anyways, walk forward and you’ll see a large, stone dragon. A Zealot will hop onto it and use it to spit fire at you. Snipe him out with the rifle before he can reach your position ‘cause it’s a bitch to deal with once he has. Once he’s down a treasure is revealed, grab it and then head up the small set of stairs to a spinning platform. Hop on then wait for the cage to move out of the way and hop to the next section. Another dragon statue is activated and it’s a fair bit harder as you’re being ambushed by both it AND Zealots. Kill off the Zealots then lure the statue down so the flame is blocked by a pillar. Then run back to the top of the small flight of stairs and snipe him out. Grab the treasure and head to the end of the area for one last dragon. This one is easy, save for the constant stream of Zealots. Lure the statue so it shoots fire at you on an angle then run back to the center or other side and take it out. Once it’s dead head up the stairs and grab the Lion Ornament. Now head back to Ashley. Roller-Vator Room Head down the hall near the door to reach a carriage. Get in. Carriage Exit Head through the door to be back in the Main Hall. Main Hall Use the various Ornaments you picked up in the castle on the mural to open the path. Raid the area for goodies, both upstairs and down, then head through the door to the next area. Carriage Hall Ride the carriage Second Carriage Exit Check the paintings for goodies then continue on to the next area. Gallery Hall Ok, head right and into the door for a merchant, shooting range and save point. Use them as you please, then leave this room. Head left and into a door. Statue Panel Room Push the statues onto two of the panels on the floor then position Ashley on one and yourself on the other. The door will open, head on through. Spiked Squash Room Yessir, it’s a good old fashioned cliché. Once the ceiling starts to drop whip out your handgun, whichever one you have, and shoot the four red lights off the four corners of the ceiling and you’ll be saved. Head in to the hall way and down it until you’re in the kitchen. Ashley will be trapped in the hall and two Zealots will be driving an odd vehicle that looks kind of like the mining drones from Beast Machines. Anyways, whip out your rifle and snipe out the Zealots to save Ashley. Raid the area for goodies and the Queen’s Grail. Now leave the room, head through the statue panel room and out into the Gallery Hall. Gallery Hall Head past the save point and down the hall to a table with goodies and a door to the next area. Knights Hall Run down the hall, dodging the traps until you come out into a room with the King’s Grail in the center. Grab the Grail and three Knight Plagas will be revealed. I suggest shooting them each in the face with your shotgun, either standard or riot, until they burst open to reveal the Plagas. Once all three are showing their Plagas toss a Flash Grenade to kill them all at once. You’ll face three more, repeat strategy. Now return to the Gallery Hall. Gallery Hall I suggest you save, your choice. Head down the only hall you’ve yet to use and you’ll come out in a statued hall with six Zealots. Kill them then head to the end of the hall to find two statues. Place the Grails in their respective statues to unlock the door to the next area. Hive Area Head down the hall and through the door. Ashley will, once more, be kidnapped. Damned useless broad…if it weren’t for her being ‘well armed’ I swear I’d…err…never mind. Anyways, kill off the Novistadors, flying bugs, and then destroy the hive for massive quantities of the colored eye gems. Even a rare blue one, ooh. Anywho, once that’s done head to the end of the room to find a switch. Flip it then shoot the chains holding up the drawbridge to reach the next area. Drawbridge Head down the path until you reach a Merchant and a typewriter. Save if you with then continue forward for a scene. Now, head along the bridge, left up the stairs for a small battle with about five Zealots. Kill them then head around the corner near the stairs and you’ll see three catapults. Snipe them out as you did early in the game and then head to the other side of the tower and into it. Clockwork Tower Head up the tower. On each floor is a wedge stuck in the gears in the middle of the tower. Take them out and head up the tower to a switch. Flip it then fight your way to the bottom of the tower. Drawbridge Fight your way to the door, beware the massive group of Zealots. You’re better off just knocking them down, as Garland would, and running through the door. Garrador Hall Yes, it’s called this for a reason. Two fucking Garrador to contend with. Stay in the first area and do NOT ring the bells as they’ll summon Zealots. Try to keep them away from each other so you’re not at a disadvantage. To speed things up, finish the first to get stuck in the wall with a good old fashioned shot from your Broken Butterfly. Once he’s down the other will fall easily. Now, kill off the remaining Zealots and continue to the next area. Spike Pit After a scene and an action command you’ll end up in a pit. There’s a merchant, lots of goodies and a save point so use them. There’s a rather annoying boss coming up right quick. Head up the ladder and down the hall to the next room. Elevator Halls Boss Fight #5: Verdugo We hates him. We really, really do. Now, for the average joe this fight will consist entirely of dodging. So, with that in mind run down the hall and dodge with the action command when prompted. Enter the room at the end of the hall and take note of the red tank in here. Flip the switch at the back of the room and head back to the door. Examine it and not only are you locked in but Cap’n Spike Tail just dropped down. Lure him to the red tank and knock it over. He’ll be frozen and thus slowed down for the next little while. Now, dodge until the door opens and run down the hall to the first room on the right. Freeze him again then run until you reach a door on your left. Enter, wait for him and freeze him again. Now dodge until the elevator comes and get on it to end the chapter. Chapter 4-2: There’s nothing witty to say about this lame, lame chapter. Mines Head down the stairs to a save area with a Merchant and Shooting Range then continue. Mine Center Hey, look. Ganados. Haven’t seen those wimps for a while. Kill ‘em dead then head down the tunnel until you come out in a larger room. Hop down the ladder then fight your way through the Ganados to the switch on the left half of the room near the boulder. Now flip it then fight your way up the ramps on the right side to a console with a switch on it. Flip it and a Dr Salvador will just down. Take him out, flip the switch on the left side again then collect the Dynamite that is revealed. Use it on the large boulder and continue to the next area for a boss fight. Gigantes Battle Room Raid the area for goodies then walk forward for the boss fight. Boss Fight #6: Double Gigantes First, lure one onto the round pattern in the middle of the area. There’s a switch in here, so use it and the Gigantes will be dunked in a tank of magma, thus killing him. Now, stay away from the center until it closes then fight the second Gigantes in the usual manner. Once that’s over head to the next area. Caverns Copious amounts of Novistadors here so beware. Head up the nearby hill until you reach a round area with a tunnel to the right. Head down it, flip the switch then turn to face a large amount of Novistadors. Kill ‘em all then head out of the tunnel, up another hill and across a stone bridge to another tunnel with a switch. Kill the Novistadors then cross the bridge to the door at the other side. Examine it, head on through then go down the tunnel and avoid the squashers. You’ll reach a switch after a few of them which will allow you to continue. Do so and head up the path to a device with treasure on it to end the chapter. Chapter 4-3: It’s a Disney ride gone terribly, terribly wrong. Path to Tower Use the merchant as you see fit then head down the path until you reach a group of Ganados huddled around a bonfire. Kill them, then head around the building and hop in a broken window. Use the crank to reveal a hole in the ground, drop in. Underground Catacombs Ok, this hovel sucks so much shit it hurts just thinking about it. Anywho, head down the tunnel until you come out in a maze. You’ll see a large windowed area in the middle with a ladder. There’s a Dr Salvador in there so stay back near the entrance and snipe the bastard to death. Then fight your way through the Ganados and the traps until you reach the ladder. Head on up and grab the Key to the Mine and then head down the stairs. There’s another Dr Salvador so whip out the TMP, best weapon to kill the Chainsaw Family with, and pump ammo into him until he dies. Fight your way through the Ganados and then head out the door, up the stairs and through the door. It’s another squash room with two spider Plagas on the floor. So kill the Plagas then shoot the lights in the ceiling. Continue through the door and down the stairs to a large, round room. Then head to the next area. Mine Cart ride to hell and back Hop into the mine carts, shoot the switch and ride them. You’ll fight Ganados until you reach a stop. At this stop you’ll be ambushed by a large group of Ganados AND a Dr Salvador. So shoot the switch nearby to restart the ride before shit gets too out of hand. At the end of the ride use the action commands to escape, then continue to the next area and grab the Stone of Sacrifice. Head up the ladder to the Path to the Tower. Path to the Tower Make your way back to the bonfire then use the Stone of Sacrifice on the nearby metal door to end the chapter. Chapter 4-4: From undead, Spanish midget to hentai tentacle monster…ew. Statue Area Use the save point if you wish then run out of the hall, down the stairs and down the bridge to start a big puzzle. Climb up the stairs and up the ladder at the top. Hop out onto the statue’s hand and ride up to an area with a switch. Kill the Zealots, flip the switch then ride the hand down and jump to the central area. Flip the switch then use the hand to cross to the middle level of the next side. Head down the ladder, flip the switch and fight off the Zealots to reveal the bridge. Cross the bridge and the statue will chase you, use the action commands and all is well. Shoot out the door and continue what you were doing before. That’ll reach the next area. Tower Ok, this place sucks ass. Dodge the knife then head up the spiral staircase until you reach a scaffolding. Use it and climb the ladders until you reach an elevator with boxes on it. Push the boxes off and use the elevator. The damned thing will stop if too many Zealots are on it so kill ‘em all as they hop on. Once you’re at the top, head along the scaffolding until you reach a path and a lift. Then head to the end of the area to a Merchant. Use him and save for the boss fight. Boss Fight #7: Salazar First off I hope you saved that Rocket Launcher you got for FREE earlier. If not this fight is harder than it has to be. First, take out the eye of the snake…tentacle…thing and Salazar will be revealed. Either whip out the Rocket Launcher to end the fight post haste or the Broken Butterfly to end it slowly. Using the Launcher ends it in one shot, so if you don’t have one get one. If you don’t have one and you can’t afford one…master the action commands. Once he’s dead you can raid the area for muchos goodies and then head to the next area. Terrace Raid the area and head down the rope. Then head onto the lift. Docks Head down the path to end the chapter and the first disc if you’re a Cuber. Chapter 5-1: Hey, it’s what the Tyrants would have been if they sucked. Cliff Village Head down the path, drop down the cliff and you’ll eventually reach a fork in the roads. Keep going straight for goodies and head right to continue. Jesus, does that girl have a pair of lungs or what? Anywho, take out the search light and fight off a Solider. A Gattling Soldier will attack so whip out your big guns and explosives to kill him. Fight off some more Soliders then head up the stairs and examine the panel next to the door. A laser will be shot at a mirror so head to the building it hits and climb onto the roof. Move the ‘reflector’, better known as as a mirror, to the other reflector then set it in place. Now drop down and do the same to the other reflector. Then aim it at the panel to the right of the door and you’ll be able to continue. Head through the door and make your way down the path to the ladder at the end. Militant Cliffs Don’t fight here. Just RUN until you reach a locked gate. Examine the button next to it and head on through. Use the Merchant and save if you like then run down the path and into the building at the end. Rancid Kitchen Head down the path and you’ll be ambushed in the main area by a Soldier who was hiding in an oven…freaky… Anyways head to the next area. Monitor Hall Head down the hall, kill the Road Warrior (:P) and head into the door. A scene’ll occur and after its over, head to the next room. Shutter Hall Use the Merchant in one of the smaller rooms in this area if you want. There’s also a shooting range. Once you’re done head down the main hall and you’ll reach a room with a shutter. It’ll open every few seconds and a pair of Soldiers will toss out dynamite. Take then out and they’ll be replaced with Crossbow Soldiers. Kill them then continue on to the next area. Regenerator Hall Oooh, interesting hall name, eh? You’ll get it in a minute. Unfortunately. Head left at the top of the stairs and into the door at the end of the hall. Dissection Room Walk into the room to see a small scene with a monster on the table. Looks kinda like a retarded Tyrant. Anyways, examine the console near the locked door and solve the puzzle in any way you want. It’s easy, not even worth explaining. Once inside the small room take the Freezer Card Key from the corpse on the floor and start to leave. The retarded Tyrant will break out of the room it was in. It’s called a Regenerator and you’re not armed properly to kill it so just run back to the hall. Regenerator Hall Dodge the Regenerator and head past the stairs, through the gate and down the first small hall to a door. Unlock it with the Freezer Card Key and enter. Cryogenics Freezer Hmm, hanging Regenerator…obvious? Yeah. Head in to the small room near the door and rewrite your Card Key on the machine. Then deactivate the freezing process and head back to the main area. Head into the small room near the hanging Regenerator and open the cabinet for an Infrared Scope. Stick it onto the rifle and a Regenerator will drop. Whip out the rifle and target the Regenerator. You’ll see glowing red leeches on it, shoot them and it’ll die. Leave the room. Regenerator Hall Kill the Regenerators for goodies then head down the hall at the end of the right side of the room and through the door. Garbage Dump Hall Head down the hall, through the door and up the stairs to a room with big windows and a console. Use the console to play the Crane Game with the Soldiers below then kill the remaining sods and continue to the next area. Cell Hall Head down the hall, kill the Road Warriors then check the door they were guarding. You’ll need a key to save Ashley so head to the next area. Observation Room Head down the hall, through the door and you’ll fight through some Soldiers. Head down the stairs and through the door and on to the next area. Laboratory Walk forward and you’ll be treated to an RE2 reference. It’s not Mr. X, but an Iron Maiden, which is basically a spiked version of a Regenerator. Once it’s dead take the Storage Room Card Key it dropped. Now return to Ashley. Cell Hall Unlock the door and rescue Ashley to end the chapter. Chapter 5-2: Apparently ballistics also come with rear-end air bags. Cell Hall Leave the cell and fight your way back to the Garbage Dump Hall. You’ll encounter an ambush where you’re locked in. Just kill the Soldiers and flip the switch to continue. Garbage Dump Hall Just hop into the pit. Monster Pit You’ll immediately see a ‘dead’ Iron Maiden, yeah. Right. Like anything that looks dead in a Resident Evil game is actually dead. Anyways, walk into the next room and it’ll get up. Flip the nearby switch to drop a gate, the Maiden can’t get in so just take it out. Now head through the next gate and push the large, red obstacle with Ashley’s help. Another Maiden, take it out and push the red thing. Head through the door way and the next door to the next area. Wrecking Ball Hall Fight your way past the Road Warrior and out into a large, round room with a lava pit. There’s a blocked gate and a small room with controls for the wrecking ball. Have Ashley use them while you defend her until the gate is opened. Once it is head through the door. Shutter Hellway Walk forward until you reach a shutter. Flip the switch and a Regenerator will be revealed. Kill it and continue. Another Regenerator, kill it and head down the hall. Flip the switch in the room at the end and the shutter will lift. Send Ashley under it and she’ll let you through. Head down to the end of the hall and head right for a save point and a Merchant. Use it then return to the previous hall and use the door at the end of the hall. Position Ashley at one handle and Leon at the other and confirm on time. Bulldozer Garage Get on the dozer for a long, annoying section similar to the mine cart but slower and more villain ridden. Dozer Ride Take out the Soldiers as they come up from behind or jump from above. Eventually a truck will drive at you, blast it with the rifle and it’ll be gone for a bit then it’ll try it again. Just repeat the process and eventually you’ll reach a room where you stock. Run up the ladder quickly then down the path and flip the switch. Return to the dozer before Ashley is attacked and you’ll continue onwards to the next area. Same as before, but you’ll eventually face a truck coming at you from the front. Shoot it and it’ll seem to hit you but you’ll be fine. Trashed Room Head to the next room. Break Room Raid the area for goodies and use the Merchant if you please. Continue to the next room to end the chapter. Chapter 5-3: How many times is she going to be kidnapped? Jesus H Christ. Boiler Hall Head up the stairs and through the door for a scene. Then head down the path, grab the Shotgun Shells then head down the steps. Fight your way through the room at the bottom and into the next area. Krauser’s Platform Head up the elevator and walk forward for a scene and a “boss fight”. Boss Fight #8: Krauser This fight consists ENTIRELY of action commands so be ready to use them after the talking. Once that is over hop down and enter the next area. Laser Hall I fucking HATE, HATE, HATE this hall. Enter the hall and laser beams will appear. Obviously influenced by the first RE movie…sadly enough. Wait for the first ones to reveal a chance to move through them. Same with the second set. For the next sets you’ll have to dodge with the action commands. Once they’re dealt with it feels like we’re done…we’re not. Examine the buttons next to the door and be prepared for the toughest command in the game. Once you’ve dodged it head to the next area. Saddler’s Throne Room Sit on the chair for what appears to be either a Chrono Trigger or Castlevania reference. Could be both, anyways head through the door at the back. Lair of “It” Head down the stairs and continue until you reach a save area/Merchant. Save as there’s a boss. Continue to the next area. “It’s” Hunting Grounds Walk forward for a few scenes and boss fight. Boss Fight #9: “It” This is annoying, but easy. First off blast the bastard with a couple hits from the Striker then it’ll jump away. Head down, around the corner to a shutter. Shoot the green light and the shutter’ll open. Head on through and press the button on the console. It’ll likely have dropped down again so beware. Head back to where you started, shoot the light and head down the hall. Take note of the red door and head down to the end of the hall for another console. Use it then head through the red door. Head to the right and grab the Incendiary Grenade. Now head to the small grate and look up for a green light. Blast it with the Strike and head back to the entrance and down a small hall to encounter It again. Get rid of it then head through the Shutter you opened a moment ago. Use the console and head back to where you just fought It. Blast open the shutter and run through. Use the door. Ok, It won’t appear until you’ve used the first console, so do it. He’ll have mutated and can now damage you at longer range and to a higher amount. Anyways, head down the enclosed hall, dodging his attacks until you come out in another hall. Head to the grate and the end and blast the green light. Now return to the entrance and head down the path you’ve yet to use for another console. Use it then RUN your ass to the red door then jump onto the hook. The fight ain’t over yet so run towards the nearby door to reinitiate the fighting. Ok, the only weapons that really damage It are the Broken Butterfly, Mine Thrower and Grenades. Keep in mind that it is extremely hard to land a shot with the Mine Thrower as you’ll have to land the shot right on the beast’s Plagas to damage it. Your best bet is to damage it using the red drums strewn about the area and your grenades. Flash Grenades also damage it, as it’s a parasite monster, and Incendiary Grenades are basically useless. Anyways, grab the Green Herb and Shotgun Shells on the back side of the pillar and lure It towards the red drum of gas. Blast the drum to damage It and then open the nearby gate with the switch. It is somewhat retarded so you’ll be able to pop a few shots from the Butterfly right into his plagas’ face before it smashes the gate down. Once it does grab the Handgun Ammo and lure it to the drum. Repeat as you did before and then run to the gate at the other end. Trap it like you did before and hit it with as many shots as you can. Eventually it’ll fall down as if dead, but it’ll get back up very quickly. At this point the fight gets annoying. With every shot you land on It, he’ll either go nuts and chase you around for a while attacking constantly. If he doesn’t do that he’ll burrow into the ground and you’ll have to dodge attacks from below using the action command. Eventually he’ll pop back up and you can slam him with a shot or two. Rinse, repeat until he falls. Keep in mind, though, that while the combat itself is easy a single hit from It can take you down from full life to either low yellow or straight into the red. Especially on Professional mode so be careful and avoid as much as possible. With the fight over head back to the door you were heading for when It attacked. Go on through and head down the path and up the stairs to a ladder. Head on up it and you’ll be in a small building. Cliff Camp Raid the area for a few goodies then leave the building. Whip out your rifle and aim it over the nearby cliff. You’ll see a group of Soldiers in a camp. Peg the red drums near them to take them all out. Now hop down and raid the whole camp for goodies then head into the tent in the middle and down the ladder. Underground Tunnel Again, check this area for treasure then head to the end of the tunnel for a Merchant, save point and a shooting range. You’re about to face another fairly long boss battle so I suggest you power up the Broken Butterfly as much as you can afford to. If you’ve got the spare cash I’d suggest even powering it up to its Exclusive level. Once that’s done, head up the ladder. Mural Ruins Head to the end of the cliff and hop down. Now run forward until a scene starts and the boss battle begins. Boss Fight #10: Krauser Whip out your rifle and make a break for the pillars near where the scene started. Dodge when the commands pop up as that means an explosive has landed near you. Also beware Krauser’s TMP and his bow as it fires explosive arrows. Hit him with a couple rifle shots and he’ll come over to play directly. Be careful of his knife attacks and be quick on the action commands as his knife attacks are extremely dangerous. A single Grenade or Broken Butterfly shot will cause him to retreat. Once he has head towards the hut you were heading to before. Raid it and the roof for goodies then drop down and go through the gate with the blue light on it. As you run down this path you’ll be ambushed by Krauser from behind. Action Command him off and either pump other ammo into him until he retreats or blast him with the Butterfly. Continue forward and head right You’ll eventually reach a house with Krauser on top of it attacking as he did from across the pit. Make your way forward until he drops down and engage him once more until he flees. Now raid the house then continue until you reach a set of stairs. Now head on up it and you’ll be trapped. Another fight with Krauser, he’s on another roof so use the rifle to pick him off. He’ll attack on the ground as well so be wary. Once he’s retreated you’ll be able to raid the area and you’ll have safely grabbed the first piece of the mural. After Krauser retreats a statue is revealed, push it onto the square patch of ground that is a different color to reveal a switch to open the way out. Now, head back down to the bottom of the stairs, out of the tower and left. You’ll be attacked by Krauser so be careful. Flip the switch then drop down the ladder it reveals to avoid the fight. Now you’ll be faced with his army of robots OBVIOUSLY provided by Wesker. (If you’ve played Code: Veronica you’ll know this) The ones sticking in the ground explode so shoot them from a distance and the fliers have machine guns in them so beware. Make your way through the area until you reach a tower that locks behind you. Head on up the stairs. Raid the area for some IMPORTANT Magnum Ammo and then head onto the boardwalk near the ladder to get the second mural piece. It is now time for the final battle so ensure you dodge his initial attack. Krauser has mutated and is twice as dangerous as he was before, that’s still nothing but be careful as like It his attacks are heavy damaging. His mutated arm is bullet proof and as much as some idiots may tell you to pick off his feet in their faqs…don’t. He’ll move around quickly dodging most bullets so be ready. Before each attack he’ll drop his guard allowing you to pump a Butterfly shot into his face. Rinse and repeat until he dies, just be quick as you’re limited to three minutes. Grab the mural piece he leaves, head down a floor and out the door. Drop off the ledge and use the pieces on the mural to reveal a door. Head on through to end the chapter. Chapter 5-4: Am I the only one who finds it odd that Ashley jiggles during surgery? Camp Well, head up the path for a scene. The cavalry has arrived! Now, fight your way through the area until you reach a point where a few soldiers attack…one with a Rocket Launcher. Kill ‘em then climb up the nearby ladder and jump off the other side. Bust into the building up ahead, kill off the Soldiers and then fight your way up the stairs and to the flying fox. Use it and then hop down to the ledge below and press the button. Go through the gate that was opened. Ok, be careful here as there are three Soldiers on gattling guns. Hide behind the barrier nearby until they finish firing for a second then RUN down the nearby tunnel. Head up the ladder and take out the rifle. Sneak forward until you can see the head of a gattling soldier from the edge of the tunnel. Shoot him then RUN out and along the path until you reach a small path into the wall. Duck in and wait for the gattling soldier on the ground to stop firing. He’s likely killed the gattling soldier nearby, if he hasn’t then just pop out and kill him yourself as you’re too close for him to react on time. Kill the gattling soldier on the ground then run forward to the gate, knock it down and press the button. Now head back down to the ground and then head to the ladder across from where you just were. Head on up, down the path and knock down the gate to reach the button. The gate is now open and you’re off. Head down the path and a scene’ll occur. Head to the next area. Ruins Drop into the hole and walk forward for a scene. Then head through the door to the next area. Decrepit Prison Save if you wish and check the area for goodies. Then head down the path to encounter a Regenerator. Kill it then head to the door at the end and jump up to reach it. Head to the next area. Base Run until you see a group of Crossbow Soldiers behind barricades. Kill them and the other Soldiers in the area. A Gattling Soldier will drop down. Kill him and then fight your way to the ladder behind some barricades across from where you entered this larger are, up the ladder and into a room with a console. Kill the Soldiers and then leave the room and head up a ladder. A scene’ll occur when you try to enter the room at the end of the walk. Chase the Soldier who was in the scene and he’ll drop a card key. Grab it and head back to the area he was in when he took it. Use it on the device on the wall and find the two consoles that are on the walks. Use ‘em and the door to the next area will open. Fight your way to it and head on through. Raid this area for goodies and head on to next area. Console Room After a quick scene you’re done. Soldier Tunnel Fight past the Road Warriors to a surgical room. Use the machines to end the chapter. Final Chapter: How the hell did that fit inside that tiny little man? Soldier Tunnel Head out of the room and up the stairs to the exit of the tunnel. Final Merchant Area Use the save point if you want and the Merchant. Now head down the slope and into the ladder. Final Boss Arena Final Boss Fight: Saddler Ok, this fight is interesting, yet easy. Well, easy if you have good aim, if not…sucks to be you. Anyways, whip out your Butterfly and take a look at Saddler’s legs. There are eyes on him, hmph…G-Virus knock off, shoot one and Saddler will collapse. No approach him and you’ll see an action command, use it and you’ll damage him. Repeat about eight times and Ada will toss you a Rocket Launcher. Use it to finish him off. Also, use the arena to your advantage. There are red drums and switches that’ll knock him down. Also, don’t get too far away from him or he’ll toss steel beams at you which hurt. Once he’s dead head down the elevator. Sewer Tunnel Head down the tunnel until you reach a jet-ski. Use it and complete the race on time to finish the game. Well, the fat lady just keeled over and died ‘cause that’s all there is.