Capsule Reviews Welcome to Capsule Reviews, a section containing, of all things, reviews. Any RPG can ostensibly be reviewed, regardless of the year, platform, or system (I just have to have played it). These reviews aren't necessarily as lengthy or in-depth as many of the ones on the Internet - just short, opinionated chatter wrapped up in a paragraph or three - but they will give you a good impression of, if nothing else, whether the game in question is worth your valuable time and money. In addition to said chatter, each game gets a score out of 5 Red Jewels (). This is an overall score (I don't give separate scores for graphics, music, etc. since each game is really more than the sum of its parts). If you don't have the time to read the actual reviews, you can still glance at the score, which breaks down something like this:
Your fearless reviewer is: Sephiroth Katana Reader Responses: Angered by one of these reviews? Certain that the reviewer has it in for you? Well, stew no more in your rage! Simply go here to learn about contributing to Capsule Reader Reviews. Knew you'd be pleased.